Ginger beer

Imperial Metric Ingredients
2 oz. 57 g. root ginger, grated or blended
2.5 lbs 13 dl sugar, granulated
1 oz. 2 tbsp cream of tartar
  2.4 dl juice of 8 limes
10 qts. 9.5 l boiling water
    Mix all the ingredients together. Cover and leave for a day or two. Strain and bottle.

I normally take 3-4 times the amount of ginger root, trying to emulate the flavour of the lovely ginger beer served
at the Senior Common Room at UWI/Mona in Kingston Jamaica.
I blend the ginger root together with some of the water in the recipe.

Source: Donaldson, Enid The real taste of Jamaica. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers Ltd., 1994.

html 2017-07-29