Thomas A. Sawyer, CPO RCN (Ret'd.)

1926-08-31 to 2013-09-06, see obituary, epitaph, and eulogy

Service history

   1941RCAF R108158
   1942Transferred RCNVR V43492
   1946-47HMCS Warrior (Commissioning crew). Released 1947
   1949Joined RCNR Donnacona
   1950Korea volunteer
   1951HMCS Swansea
   1951Transferred RCN 51989-E, HMCS Sioux, Korea
   195?Royal Navy Shallow Diving Course
   195?RCN Clearance Diver (Ships) qualification
   1952HMCS La Hulloise
    HMCS Stadacona E1-tech course
   1953Pirbright Coronation contingent
   1953-54HMCS Magnificent, HMCS Prestonian
   1954-59HMCS Nootka
   1959-61HMCS New Waterford
   1961-65HMS Dolphin: HM submarines Andrew, Alcide, Aeneas
   1965-66HMCS/M Ojibwa
   1967-72HMCS Assiniboine. Released 1972
   1972Joined CAF "SR" HMCS Discovery
   1984Transferred Supplementary Reserve
   1991Released 50 years active & reserve





   19??Canadian Navy team heavyweight boxer
   1949-1950Inter-Services Hockey Champions, City of Westmount
   1950Great Lakes Naval Regatta champions: .45 pistol competition (2nd), war canoe (2nd), whaler pulling men (2nd)
   1956-06-23Atlantic Coast Fleet Regatta seaboat race winner, coxsun: Tom Sawyer
   1957Québec. Department of Labour. Board of Examiners of Electricians. "C" License.
   1959Bermuda Regatta. Electricians & Communicators C&PO war canoe trophy
   1967-08-15Province of Nova Scotia. Department of Labour. Certificate of qualification in the electrical construction trade
   1970DCRA matches, Ottawa
   1971DCRA matches, Ottawa
   1971-12-01Province of British Columbia. Department of Labour. Certificate of qualification, trade: industrial electrical
   1974BCRA MacKinnon Aggregate trophy
   1974BC Service Rifle champion
   1974-07-29Canada. Department of Transport. Certificate of compentency as Master of a Home-Trade Tug of any size or of a Steamship of under 350 tons gross
   1974-07-29Canada. Department of Transport. Certificate of compentency as Master of a Minor Waters Steamship
   1975DCRA matches, Ottawa
   1978-04-24Canada. Department of Transport. Certificate of compentency as Watchkeeping Mate
   1978-06-07Horton Maritime Explorations Ltd. submarine Auguste Piccard taken to depth 2300 feet, in Jervis Inlet. Mission ABS/MOT certification; Captain: Tom Sawyer
   1978-07-29 to 1989-01-31403 CFTSD Vancouver
   1983Took part in the birthing/slipping evolution of Her Majesty's yacht Britannia
   1988BCRA classifications -- service pistol: sharpshooter; sub machine gun: master; service rifle: expert
   1988-1989HMCS Nipigon baseline refit by Port Weller Dry Docks, St. Catharines ON
   1980sand still playing hockey.
   1990-1994CNAG Swordfish A/C HS469 Reconstruction Project

Life memberships


Html by L. Ruus
Created: 2013-02-05; Last updated: 2013-11-19 [This page is still a work in progress]