Förkortningar/Abbreviations used in these pages:
Abbreviation Definition
aka Also known as
C, cpl Couple, so 'C2' is short for 'couple 2'
comp./komp. Composed by ...
CCW Counter clockwise, aka 'motsols' aka 'vastapäivään'
CW Clockwise, aka 'medsols' aka 'myötäpäivään'
ed./eds. editor, editors.
et al. et alia, (Latin) 'and others'
etc. et cetera, (Latin) 'and other similar items'
i.e. (sometimes ie. id est, (Latin) 'that is (to say)'
L Left, with reference to a foot, hand, shoulder, side or direction
LOD 'Line of dance': unless otherwise specified, line of dance is CCW (counter clockwise) around the set, floor or dance space.
M Man, or dancer dancing the male role
mm med mera, (Swedish) see 'etc.'
ms Manuscript
n.d. No date, ie no date of publication
R Right, with reference to a foot, hand, shoulder, side or direction
RLOD 'Reverse line of dance': where specified, reverse line of dance is CW (clockwise) around the set, floor or dance space.
s.l. Sine loco, (Latin) 'without a place' ie without a place of publication
s.n. Sine nomine, (Latin) 'without a name', ie without a publisher name
sic Sic erat scriptum (Latin) 'thus had it been written', ie that is what source actually says, whether or not it is likely, possible or an error
W Woman, or dancer dancing the female role
WL Woman on left side
WR Woman on right side
Html. by L Ruus, 2023-09-05.

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