Country: Salling, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) respectively have their backs to or face the music. Couple 3 stands on the side to the right of couple 1, and couple 4 faces couple 3.
Steps: hoptrin (step hop), run
Music: 358:513 [Note: B-section played 4 times]
Recordings: Mikkelsen, Verner Village folk dances (Folk Fun 95861 V.M.) track 12
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-8 | 1 (a) | All couples in a closed circle, 16 running steps CW. |
1-8 | All couples in a closed circle, 16 running steps CCW. | |
9-16 | (b) | Couples 3 and 4 form closed circle, and run 16 steps CW, return to place, and form an arch with inside hands joined and raised |
9-16 | Cross-over: couples 1 and 2 run through the couple to the left and separate, W running on to opposite place, M returning to own place. Turn with opposite dancer, twice round on the spot. 16 running steps total. | |
9-16 | Couples 1 and 2 form closed circle, and run 16 steps CW, return to place. | |
9-16 | Couples 3 and 4 cross as above through their respective left hand couples, which open to let them through. Now all women are in opposite place. | |
17-24 | (c) | M1 and M2 take waltz hold with opposite W (ie M2 and W1 respectively), and dance 4 small running steps into centre, 4 small running steps back to Ms place, then another 4 running steps forward, the women being 'thrown' back to their respective partners. With waltz hold with own partner, couples dance out to place, turning one full turn, with 4 running steps. |
17-24 | Couples 3 and 4 repeat (c). | |
|:25-32:| | (d) | All couples chain, once around the set, back to place. 16 step hops. |
Parts (b), (c), and (d) are the same in all sequences. | ||
|:1-8:| | 2 (a) | Women's star, L-hand then R-hand, CW and CCW. 32 running steps. |
|:1-8:| | 3 (a) | Men's star, L-hand then R-hand, CW and CCW. 32 running steps. |
|:1-8:| | 4 (a) | Women's two-hand star, CW and CCW. 32 running steps. |
|:1-8:| | 5 (a) | Men's two-hand star, CW and CCW. 32 running steps. |
|:1-8:| | 6 (a) | Women's back basket, CW and CCW. 32 running steps. |
|:1-8:| | 7 (a) | Men's back basket, CW and CCW. 32 running steps. |
|:1-8:| | 8 (a) | All couples closed circle, CW and CCW. 32 running steps. |
The dance finishes with swinging own partner on the spot, 32 running steps CW and CCW. |
Source: Village folk dancers: Scandinavian dances music by Verner Mikkelsen, instructions noted by Margaret & Carson Whelan as learned from John Madsen many years ago. [mimeog.] [Toronto, ON]: s.n., n.d.
Revised description: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2012-02-13, rev. 2021-08-26
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