Bette Mett', Mors & Thy

Country: Mors & Thy, Denmark
Type: couple dance
Formation: couples, closed waist-shoulder/polska hold, M facing in RLOD. Note: the dance progresses in RLOD, ie CW around the room, and turning CW.
Steps: glissadetrin, totrin (pivot), hoptrin (step-hop), walk
Sheet music: 358:479 and efter Svend Madsbøll 1979
Recordings: Baltinget Special track 04; Danish Dia Delight Live track 03; Lang Linken Kærlighetstræet track B3; Skårup, Jens mm Thybal track 12;

    Version 1: Bette Met, Mors
Steps: glissadetrin, hoptrin (step-hop)
Sheet music: 358:479
Bars   Dance progression:
1   M steps forward L (1:1), and closes R to L (1:2) (=1 glissadetrin). W opposite footwork, ie moving backwards in RLOD.
2   Repeat, ie a second glissadetrin [beginning with ML foot) moving in RLOD..
3-4   2 step-hops, beginning with inside (ML/WR) foot, turning CW and moving in RLOD.
    Repeat as desired.

Provenance: As documented in Mors in the 1920s likely by J.C. Krogh from informant Kresten Bach, Vils, Mors.
Source: Krogh, J.C./ Gamle danse fra Mors og Thy. 4th ed. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1985, p. 13.

    Version 2: Bette Mett', Thy
Steps: glissadetrin, hoptrin (step-hop)
Sheet music: 358:479
Bars   Dance progression:
1   M steps forward L (1:1), and closes R to L (1:2) (=1 glissadetrin). W opposite footwork, ie moving backwards.
2   A 'svikt' or small hop on R (2:1), and M steps forward L on (2:2). W with opposite footwork.
3-4   Turn a half-turn (180 degrees) CW, 2 step-hops/pivot steps.
5-8   Repeat, with opposite footwork, and M moving backwards, W forwards, in RLOD.
Bar:       ----------1----------     ----------2----------     ----------3----------     ----------4----------
Beat:      1     &      2      &     1     &     2     &       1     &     2     &       1     &     2     &  
Man:       L     R    hop R    L     R           L             R     L   hop L   R       L           R 
Woman:     R     L    hop L    R     L           R             L     R   hop R   L       R           L 
    Repeat as desired.
Note: the 'bounciness' of the music determines whether it is danced with 'svikt' or small step-hops.

Provenance: As documented by Svend Hamborg in Thy in the 1970s.
Source: YouTube videos with Karl Skaarup Four (at 2:00), and Roskilde Folkdanserlaug.

    Version 3: Bette Mett', Thy
Steps: mazurka (Danish ) steps hoptrin (step-hop)
Sheet music: Sørensen, Pia and Per Sørensen / VI: 27 gamle folkedanse fra Jylland Samlet og bearbejdet af Pia & Per Sørensen. 1 opl. Kolding: Pia & Per Sørensen, 2000, pp. 20-21 (p. 12 of the pdf file).
Bars   Dance progression:
1-3   Two mazurka steps, moving CW on the floor, M forwards [ie facing CW] beginning with L foot, and W backwards [ie facing CCW] beginning with R foot.
Note: the 2 mazurka steps are danced over 3 bars of music.
4   One step-hop, turning 1/2 turn CW - M on L foot, and W on R foot. Finish with M facing CCW in the circle, and W facing CW.
5-7   Two mazurka steps, still moving CW on the floor, M backwards beginning with R foot, and W forwards beginning with L foot.
Note: the 2 mazurka steps are danced over 3 bars of music.
8   One step-hop, turning 1/2 turn CW - M on R foot, and W on L foot. Finish with M facing CW in the circle, and W facing CCW.
    Repeat as desired.

Provenance: As documented by Svend Hamborg in Thy in 1989, from informant Ejnar Ringgård.
Source: Sørensen, Pia and Per Sørensen / VI: 27 gamle folkedanse fra Jylland Samlet og bearbejdet af Pia & Per Sørensen. 1 opl. Kolding: Pia & Per Sørensen, 2000, pp. 20-21 (p. 12 of the pdf file).

    Version 4: Bette Mett, Thy
Steps: mazurka (Danish ) steps hoptrin (step-hop)
Sheet music: (1) after Kristian Peder Mikkelsen, Nora 1992, and (2) Thomas Johansen, Kaas 1909 in: Jacobsen, Jack & Gitte Thofte Thybal - en spillemandsbog. s.l.:Folkekulturværkstedet Broby gamle skole, 2008. pp.57-58.
Bars   Dance progression:
    The dance is described as follows:
Steps with a turn and 'momenter'. Couples begin with open waist-shoulder hold, both facing [in RLOD], after which M and W, with each turn switch to facing or having back to the line of dance [RLOD].
One can begin either on the upbeat or on the first beat, and turn on every phrase (4 bars) or every repeat (8 bars).
    Repeat as desired.
Source: Jacobsen, Jack & Gitte Thofte Thybal - en spillemandsbog. s.l.:Folkekulturværkstedet Broby gamle skole, 2008. pp.57-58.

    Song text: Danish Song text: English translation
    Bette Mett', Bette Mett'
må jeg sove hos dig?
Ja, du må, ja du må
du må ligge ovenpå
Bette Mett', Bette Mett'
may I sleep with you?
Yes, you may, yes you may
you may lie on top
A different version:
|:Og bette Mett', Og bette Mett'
hon var så vakker en tøs:|
|:Hon danser så net så net
att ingen af os kan følge med Mett'
skynd jer så og stræ så, og spil så en vals:|

See YouTube videos with Mesterdansere i Nordthy, optaget i 1980-1990 (at 3:45) Lystig Svir, Heebøl & Vinther, Bugge, Graubæk & Svejgaard Jørgensen (at 1:50), Krak, Beck & Bugge (at 2:30), 'Bastard' kvintet, Karl Skaarup Four (at 2:30)

Traditionally danced as part of a sequence (De tre fra Thy): Bette Mett', Æ russer and Krokonens vals.
Translation & description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2015-08-17, rev. 2021-10-15.

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