Bette mand i knibe/Bitte mand i knibe, Randersegnen

Country: Randers, Vendsyssel, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: 2 couple sets.
Steps: run, tyrolertrin, vals (waltz)
Sheet music: (1) 358:5 from Als [in G-dur]; (2) 358:5 [in b-dur], (3) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Tolv danske folkedanse: et udvalg ved Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme. Kolding: Konrad Jørgensens Bogtrykkeri, 1920. p.11. (4) 'little man in a fix' in: Burchenal, Elizabeth (trans.)/ Folk dances of Denmark, containing seventy-three dances.... New York, NY: G. Schirmer, 1915. p. 45. (5) Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeningar, 1993. p.92. (6) Christiansen, Poul/ 14 danske danse: beskrivelser og musikbånd til undervisningsbrug. [Roskilde]: Amtscentralen i Roskilde, 1985 p. 20.
Recordings: Bogh, Halvor & Maja Marskens guld 1 track B4 [YouTube]; De Ullbjerg Spillemænd track B5; Lauritz Hansens Spillemandsorkester [Internet Archive]; Løager, Anders & Jan Ilsø På vores måde track 11; Michael Herman's Folk Orchestra [Internet Archive]; Pelimannikilta Seuratansseja track 05; Rebild Spillemandslaug Gammeldaws (Nordjysk folkekultur II) track B4; Rejseorkestret Sving egen (2004 ed) cd II track 21; Spillemandsgruppen Landstrygerne Dansk og svensk spillemansmusik track B4; Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur Gillesdanser i norden - Danska track A1; Thy Spillemandslaug track 06; Victor Orchestra [Internet Archive].

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) M holds partner with R arm around her waist while W has L hand on partner's R shoulder. The two M take L elbow hook, and turn CCW on the spot. [The faster the men turn, the more the women need to lean back.] 24 running steps.
1-8   M take L hand hold, while continuing to turn, lifting L hands and swinging partner in front of them under their joined hands, and grabbing partner's L hand with his own R hand. W turn CCW and take R hand hold over the men's joined L hands. Without stopping, all four dancers, now with arms crossed in front, continue to turn CCW, 24 running steps.
|:9-16:| (b) Couples hold inside hands and dance tyrolerval.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.
Usually, a different pair of couples will dance together each time the music repeats.

See video from KØST2017 and YouTube videos with Ramsø Spillemandslaug, Skralleklubben, Rönnehälls Folkdanslag BU, havnedans i Roskilde 2011, Bastard Kvintet, Bugge, Graubæk & Svejgaard Jørgensen, Rebild Spillemændene,

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/Beskrivelse af gamle danske folkedanse hefte I. 7 opl. København:Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF), 1976, p. 10
See also:
-- Christiansen, Poul/ 14 danske danse: beskrivelser og musikbånd til undervisningsbrug. [Roskilde]: Amtscentralen i Roskilde, 1985 pp. 20-21.
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeningar, 1993. p.92.
-- 'little man in a fix' in: Hanson, Lida Saboni & Laura Wolcott Goldsmith (trans.)/ Old Danish folk dances described by the Association for the Promotion of Folk Dances (Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme). -[ first part]. Copenhagen: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme, 1906. p. 8.
-- 'little man in a fix' in: Burchenal, Elizabeth (trans.)/
Folk dances of Denmark, containing seventy-three dances.... New York, NY: G. Schirmer, 1915. p. 45.
-- 'little man in a fix' in: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Danish folk dances. Trans. by Viggo Bovbjerg [Chicago, IL]: Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 1917. p. 31.
-- Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Tolv danske folkedanse: et udvalg ved Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme. Kolding: Konrad Jørgensens Bogtrykkeri, 1920. pp.11-12.
Translation: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2018-05-11, rev. 2022-02-14.

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