Det blaa flag, Stevning

Country: Stevning, Sønderjylland, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: up to 8 couples in closed circle
Steps: valstrin (waltz), walk
Sheet music: 358:318
Recordings: Osterholz, Renate et al Liflig sang cd 2 track 9 [Dancilla].

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| 1 (a) In closed circle, all dance CW, walking steps. Ditto CCW, 8 walking steps.
9-16   (b) All take front crossed hold with partner and face in LOD. Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, all dance forward in LOD, 8 walking steps.
9-16   Without dropping hold, M swings partner over to his L side, and continue forward in LOD, 8 walking steps.
|:17-24:|,|:25-32:|   (c) All turn to partner and dance R-hand chain to second meeting with partner (if there are 5-8 couples in the set). If there are fewer than 5 couples, continue chaining to 4th meeting with partner. If there are extra bars of music, take waltz hold with partner and dance turning waltz, moving in LOD.
|:1-8:| 2 (a) All take waltz hold with partner and dance fast turning waltz, moving in LOD. 16 waltz steps.
    Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences.
    Repeat from (2 (a)) as desired.

See videos from Dancilla 1, 2.

Provenance: The dance was originally documented by Andreas Otterstrøm around 1932, based on information provided by Chr. Madsen and his family in Stevning, The music is after Niels Nielsen, Guderup. There are several versions; Andreas Otterstrøm documented the dance in 1924 and 1926, but since he was uncertain about the accuracy of his notes, he asked Niels Nielsen to investigate further.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme/ Gamle sønderjyske danse. 2:n udg. København: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme, 2007, pp. 79-80.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2021-09-19.

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