Brudevals (wedding waltz)

Country: Denmark
Type: couple dans
Formation: any number of couples in an open circle.
Steps: tyrolervals, waltz
Music: any waltz in moderate tempo and appropriate structure (AAB).
Recordings: Mikkelsen, Verner Village folk dances track B7.

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 (a) Couples, holding inside hands, dance 4 tyrolervals, starting with ML/WR foot, forward in LOD.
5-8   Maintaining handhold, M leads W into 4 waltz steps CCW around him. Meanwhile, M dances 4 waltz steps in place.
1-4   Maintaining handhold, W turns under joined arms CW, with 4 waltz steps.
5-8   Couple takes 2-hand hold, arms stretched, M with back in LOD and W facing LOD. Dance 4 waltz steps in LOD.
9-12 (b) In waltz position, dance 4 waltz steps turning CW, moving in LOD.
13-16   In waltz position, dance 4 waltz steps turning CCW, moving in LOD.
    Note: the (b) section does not repeat.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

Source: Village folk dancers: Scandinavian dances music by Verner Mikkelsen, instructions noted by Margaret & Carson Whelan as learned from John Madsen many years ago. [mimeog.] [Toronto, ON]: s.n., n.d.
Translation: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2012-04-20, rev. 2021-09-04.

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