Den lille hamborger, Bette hamborger, Lille hamborger

Country: Døstrup, Himmerland, Holstebro, Jylland, Denmark
Type: couple dance
Formation: couples in open circle, facing LOD.
Steps: chassé, hoptrin (step-hop), polka. mazurkahop.

    Den lille hamborger/Bette hamborger, Døstrup, Sønderjylland
Formation: couples in open circle, facing LOD, waltz hold.
Sheet music: 358:305
Recordings: De Fries og D. Beck Balance track 04; Osterholz, Renate el al Liflig sang cd 1 track 02 [Dancilla]; Råbergs Spillemandskvartet Gammeldavsaften track A1; Sjäv Duo [YouTube]; Trio Tinus track 03; Æ Tinuser Gammeldans og knågstykker cd A track 06.
Bars   Dance progression:
1-2   In waltz hold, beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance forward in LOD with 2 chassé steps,
3   and dance 1 mazurkahop, [hopping on inside foot, swinging outside foot.]
4-6   followed by 2 polka steps turning CW, and 1 chassé step forward in LOD,
7   dance 1 mazurkahop, [hopping on outside foot, swinging inside foot.]
8   and, beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot, 1 chassé backwards [in RLOD].
1-8,|:9-16:|   Repeat from beginning 3 times.
Repeat from beginning as desired.

Æ Tinuser played this as part of a set consisting of den lille hamborger, den store hamborger, galopade, and den bette jydsk'.


See videos from Varde 2019, Dancilla, and YouTube with Rebild Spillemænd, as well as
Folkemusikkens Fælles Sekretariat/ Folkemusik på film - 1970'erne: traditionel dans i Vrøgum (DVD) Århus: FFS, 1979.
Provenance: documented by Andreas Otterstrøm around 1932.
Printed source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle sønderjyske danse. 2:n udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 2007, p. 27.

    Lille hamborger, Himmerland
Formation: couples in open circle, facing LOD, waltz hold.
Sheet music: 358:30 (fra Thisted, Thy) or Peder Pøhls lille hamborger after Lilian & Gitte Vammen
Recordings: Rebild Spillemændene Det levende håndværk track 07; V Poulsens Kapel Fanden er løs track 05; Vammen, Lilian & Gitte 'Peder Pøhls lille hamborger' Buestrøg og bælgtræk track 21 [YouTube]
Bars   Dance progression:
1   In waltz hold, couples dance forward in LOD (without turning) with 3 steps (M:R L R; W:L R L) and a slow hop (MR/WL) on beat (1:4).
2   Repeat bar 1: 3 steps (M:R L R; W:L R L) and a slow hop (MR/WL) on beat (2:4).
3   Couples hop twice on MR/WL foot (3:1 and 3:3).
4   Couples turn one half turn CW with 1 polka step.
5-7   Repeat bars 1-3, with opposite footwork.
8   Couples turn one half turn CW with 1 polka step.
1-8,|:9-16:|   Repeat 3 times.
    Ie, count:
Man: R L R-R hop, R L R-R hop, R L R-R hop-polka, L R L-L hop, L R L-L hop, L R L-L hop-polka
Woman: L R L-L hop, L R L-L hop, L R L-L hop-polka, R L R-R hop, R L R-R hop, R L R-R hop-polka
    Repeat from beginning as desired.

See YouTube video Thydanse nr 5 filmed 1980-1990.
Printed source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Beskrivelse af gamle danske folkedanse hefte II. 6:e opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1995, p. 6.

    Den lille hamborger, Holstebroegnen
Formation: couples in open circle, facing LOD. Vestjysk hold (M lays his L hand on top of W's R hand, with his thumb in her palm and holds the joined hands on his L hip. MR/WL hands as in waltz hold.)
Sheet music: 358:609
Recording: Schmykkers Nøkker (NB without the B-section)
Bars   Dance progression:
1-2   In waltz hold, beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance forward in LOD with 2 chassé steps,
3   and dance hop twice on inside foot, swinging outside foot forward and back.
4-6   Dance 3 polka steps [beginning with outside foot], turning CCW.
7   Hop twice on outside (ML/WR) foot, while lifting the inside foot but without swinging it.
(In the course of bars 4-7, turn 1-1/2 times CCW, so that W finishes with her back to the centre of the floor.)
8   Beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot (ie 'behinder foot') dance 1 polka step turning CW.
1-8,|:9-16:||:17-24:||:25-32:|   Repeat from beginning 7 times.
    Repeat from beginning as desired.

Printed source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Hardsyssel. 2:t opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1998, pp. 14-15.

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-07-03, rev. 2021-10-13.

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