Den lille hamborger/Bette hamborger, Døstrup, Sønderjylland
Formation: couples in open circle, facing LOD, waltz hold. Sheet music: 358:305 Recordings: De Fries og D. Beck Balance track 04; Osterholz, Renate el al Liflig sang cd 1 track 02 [Dancilla]; Råbergs Spillemandskvartet Gammeldavsaften track A1; Sjäv Duo [YouTube]; Trio Tinus track 03; Æ Tinuser Gammeldans og knågstykker cd A track 06. |
Bars | Dance progression: | |
1-2 | In waltz hold, beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance forward in LOD with 2 chassé steps, | |
3 | and dance 1 mazurkahop, [hopping on inside foot, swinging outside foot.] | |
4-6 | followed by 2 polka steps turning CW, and 1 chassé step forward in LOD, | |
7 | dance 1 mazurkahop, [hopping on outside foot, swinging inside foot.] | |
8 | and, beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot, 1 chassé backwards [in RLOD]. | |
1-8,|:9-16:| | Repeat from beginning 3 times.
Repeat from beginning as desired. Æ Tinuser played this as part of a set consisting of den lille hamborger, den store hamborger, galopade, and den bette jydsk'. |
See videos from Varde 2019,
Dancilla, and YouTube with
Rebild Spillemænd, as well as
Lille hamborger, Himmerland
Formation: couples in open circle, facing LOD, waltz hold. Sheet music: 358:30 (fra Thisted, Thy) or Peder Pøhls lille hamborger after Lilian & Gitte Vammen Recordings: Rebild Spillemændene Det levende håndværk track 07; V Poulsens Kapel Fanden er løs track 05; Vammen, Lilian & Gitte 'Peder Pøhls lille hamborger' Buestrøg og bælgtræk track 21 [YouTube] |
Bars | Dance progression: | |
1 | In waltz hold, couples dance forward in LOD (without turning) with 3 steps (M:R L R; W:L R L) and a slow hop (MR/WL) on beat (1:4). | |
2 | Repeat bar 1: 3 steps (M:R L R; W:L R L) and a slow hop (MR/WL) on beat (2:4). | |
3 | Couples hop twice on MR/WL foot (3:1 and 3:3). | |
4 | Couples turn one half turn CW with 1 polka step. | |
5-7 | Repeat bars 1-3, with opposite footwork. | |
8 | Couples turn one half turn CW with 1 polka step. | |
1-8,|:9-16:| | Repeat 3 times. | |
Ie, count:
Man: R L R-R hop, R L R-R hop, R L R-R hop-polka, L R L-L hop, L R L-L hop, L R L-L hop-polka Woman: L R L-L hop, L R L-L hop, L R L-L hop-polka, R L R-R hop, R L R-R hop, R L R-R hop-polka |
Repeat from beginning as desired.
See YouTube video Thydanse nr 5 filmed 1980-1990.
Den lille hamborger, Holstebroegnen
Formation: couples in open circle, facing LOD. Vestjysk hold (M lays his L hand on top of W's R hand, with his thumb in her palm and holds the joined hands on his L hip. MR/WL hands as in waltz hold.) Sheet music: 358:609 Recording: Schmykkers Nøkker (NB without the B-section) |
Bars | Dance progression: | |
1-2 | In waltz hold, beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance forward in LOD with 2 chassé steps, | |
3 | and dance hop twice on inside foot, swinging outside foot forward and back. | |
4-6 | Dance 3 polka steps [beginning with outside foot], turning CCW. | |
7 | Hop twice on outside (ML/WR) foot, while lifting the inside foot but without swinging it.
(In the course of bars 4-7, turn 1-1/2 times CCW, so that W finishes with her back to the centre of the floor.) |
8 | Beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot (ie 'behinder foot') dance 1 polka step turning CW. | |
1-8,|:9-16:||:17-24:||:25-32:| | Repeat from beginning 7 times. | |
Repeat from beginning as desired.
Printed source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Hardsyssel. 2:t opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1998, pp. 14-15. |
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-07-03, rev. 2021-10-13.
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