Den store hamborg/Den store hamborger

Country: Jylland, Denmark
Type: couple dance

    Den store hamborg, Vestjylland
Formation: couples in open circle, facing LOD. Vestjysk hold (M lays his L hand on top of W's R hand, with his thumb in her palm and holds the joined hands on his L hip. MR/WL hands as in waltz hold.)
Steps: polka, hoptrin (step-hop). totrin (pivot).
Sheet music: 358:594 (efter Niels Mortensen. Grønbjerg)
Recordings: De Fries og D. Beck Balance track 04; Trio Tinus track 03; Æ Tinuser Gammeldans og knågstykker cd A track 06.
Bars   Dance progression:
1   In waltz hold, couples turn half-way round CCW, 1 polka step. Finish with W facing out of circle, M facing in.
2   Hop twice on outside (ML/WR) foot, lifting free foot, without swinging it.
3   Couples turn half-way round CW, 1 polka step.
4   Couples turn once round with 2 pivot steps.
5-8   Repeat from beginning.
1-8,|:9-16:|   Repeat 6 times.
    Repeat from beginning as desired.

Æ Tinuser played this as part of a set consisting of den lille hamborger, den store hamborger, galopade, and den bette jydsk'.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Hardsyssel. 2:t opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1998, pp. 13-14.
See also: Folkemusikkens Fælles Sekretariat/ Folkemusik på film - 1970'erne: traditionel dans i Vrøgum (DVD) Århus: FFS, 1979.

    Den store hamborger, Himmerland
Formation: couples in open circle, facing LOD, waltz hold.
Steps: polka, totrin (pivot).
Sheet music: 358:21 (stegt flæsk og kartofler)
Recordings: Baltinget Classic track 07; Rebild Spillemændene Til bal i loen track A7; Spillemændene Evald og Hardy Thomsen Stegt flæsk og kartofler track 07; V Poulsens Kapel Fanden er løs track 11; V Poulsens Kapel Old school track 08;
Bars   Dance progression:
1   In waltz hold, couples turn half-way round CCW, 1 polka step.
2   With a little hop on ML/WR foot, M swings L, W swings R foot forward and back as in a mazurka step.
[Note: now often done as a heel-toe step.]
3   In waltz hold, couples turn half-way round CW, 1 polka step.
4   Couples take closed waist-shoulder hold, and turn once round with 2 pivot steps.
5-8   Repeat from beginning.
1-8,|:9-16:|   Repeat 6 times.
    Repeat from beginning as desired.

See YouTube videos with Rebild Spillemændene 1, 2.


  Song text:
Stegt flæsk og kartofler, ølebrød med klumper i
Stegt flæsk og kartofler, det er noget vi ka' li'

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Beskrivelse af gamle danske folkedanse hefte II. 6:e opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1995, p. 6.

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-07-03, rev. 2021-10-01.

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