Country: Denmark
Formation: longways progressive set
Formation: any number of couples in 2 lines, M to R, W to L as seen from the music. Numbered 1-2-3-4 etc. from the music (top of the set).
chassé (change step).
sideløbstrin (slip step).
Sheet music: Laurent, Pierre Jean/
Lommebog for dandseyndere - VI nye skotske dandse. København: C.C. Lose, 1816 [pp. 6-21 of the pdf file]
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-8 | (a) | M1 dances alone down the set finishing facing the W's line [between couples 4 and 5], 8 chassé steps. |
1-8 | W1 dances alone down the set finishing facing her partner [between couples 4 and 5], 8 chassé steps. | |
9-16 | (b) | Couples 1 and 5 form either a closed circle or a star and circle [CW and CCW] on the spot. 8 slip or chassé steps.
Finish on own side [between couples 4 and 5]. |
17-24 | Couple 1 [holding inside hands] dances up the set and cast off around couple 2. 8 chassé steps.
[Finish in couple 2's place, couple 2 having stepped up.]' |
Repeat from (a) as desired.
[When the dance repeats (from (a)), couple 1 dances with couple 3, while couple 2 rests. When couple 1 dances with couple 5, while couples 2 dances with couple 3. If there are many couples in the lines, every 3rd couple may start.] |
Provenance: Laurent's Lommebog for dandseyndere is thought to be the only source of ecossaise (also called 'skots' in some areas) dance descriptions
known from Denmark. It contains 6 ecossaises and a 'Wals', described with text and diagrams, as well as music composed by Møller. No indication of steps.
Musicians' notebooks of the period, however, contain numerous 'skots' or 'ecossaise' tunes. The above is my interpretation of the text and diagrams - other interpretations are possible.
Source: Laurent, Pierre Jean / Lommebog for dandseyndere -
VI nye skotske dandse. København: C.C. Lose, 1816 [p. 4 of the pdf file]
See also:
-- Nørgård, Kjeld "
Engelskdanse og skotskdanse, 2. del" in
Dansens og musikens rødder nr. 31, Oct. 1998.
-- Koslovsky, Joseph/ Trois polonoises, trois ecossaises et une quadrille. Saint Petersbourg: s.n. (ca 1808).
-- Allabieff, Aleksandr/ 3 Masurques, 2 ecossaises, valse et quadrille. Moscou: s.n. (ca 1810).
-- Müller, Carl Friedrich/ Quatre quadrilles ecossaises. Hanovre: s.n. (ca 1814)
-- Liller, Johann Nicolaus/ Tanz-Kunst Leipzig: s.n., 1842. (pp. 27-28, pp. 31-32 of the pdf file)
-- Powers, Richard/ "The 1825 ecossaise" s.l.: s.n., n.d.
-- Renausy, [Jacques]/ Méthode de Danse Paris: Margueritat, 1861. (p. 34, p. 40 of the pdf file)
-- Willock, H. D./ Ball-Room Guide, A Manual Of Dancing Rev. ed. Glasgow: John Cameron, ca 1868. (p.51, p.14 of the pdf file)
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2021-10-29.
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