Country: Denmark
Type: mixer
Formation: any number of couples in open circle facing in LOD, arm in arm. One or more M without partners ("widowers")
stand in the centre of the circle.
Steps: tyrolervals, walk
Sheet music: 358:453
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-8 | (a) | Promenade: All dance in LOD, 16 walking steps.
The "widower(s)" hurry into position behind an M with a partner, clap hands behind his neck, and take his partner, continuing the walk. The M who lost his partner, moves to the next M in front of him, and claps hands behind his neck and taking over his partner, etc. until the walking portion of the dance is over. |
9-24 | (b) | Tyrolervals: All couples dance tyrolervals.
Meanwhile, all new "widowers" stand in the circle awaiting the next promenade. |
The "widowers" are either all M or all W. If the latter, they remain outside the circle of couples. M and W only 'clap out' their own position, ie those intending to dance the M role only 'clap out' those already dancing the M role, and vice versa. | ||
Repeat from (a) as desired. |
See video from KØST2017
Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Legestuen. 5:e opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1983, pp. 32-33.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-05-06, rev. 2011-11-07.
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