
Country: Denmark
Type: couple mixer
Formation: any number of couples in a closed circle.
Steps: hopsa, tyrolertrin
Music: any hopsa with appropriate structure

Bars Part Dance progression
1-4 (a) Figuré: Begining with outside (ML/WR) foot, all dance 4 tyrolerhopsa on the spot, turning alternately towards corner and partner.
5-8 (b) Hopsa: M takes waltz hold with corner and dances 2 full turns turning CW with 4 hopsa steps.
W finishes to R side of M and now dances as M's new partner. Reform closed circle.
1-4   Repeat from (a) as desired.

See YouTube video with Wolf, Damgård, Bugge & Krak 2012 (at 12:02).

Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2019-02-20, rev. 2022-08-19.

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