Fannikedans, Fanø

Country of origin: Nordby, Fanø, Denmark
Type: couple dance
Formation: any number of couples in open circle. W has L arm around partner's waist. M has partner's R hand in own L, and R arm around partner's waist. Couples move in LOD.
Steps: CCW turn (see below) and sønderhoning
Sheet music: of the circa 25 known fannike tunes, all but one are in 2/4 time, the exception being En pige vandred udi en have, which is in 3/4-time. Sheet music and recordings of 17 fannikedans tunes are available at the Folkets Hus Spillefolkweb site, including: 'Alt, så trækker vi trø,jen af' 358:681, 'Fannik nr 87' 358:683, 'Hans Madsens kiste' 358:679, 'Nordvest' 358:682 [played as fannik or sønderhoning], 'Og vil du ha min... (or Lille Stine)' 358:38, 'Hu hej hummel i æ vand' 358:15 [played as fannik]
See also:
-- Grüner Nielsen, H./ Folkelig vals: ... melodibilag. København: Det Schønbergske Forlag, 1920. nrs 1-79.
-- Burchenal, Elizabeth (trans.)/ Folk dances of Denmark, containing seventy-three dances.... New York, NY: G. Schirmer, 1915. p. 5.
Recordings: Baldrian Tværs track 01; Baltic Crossing Carry on crossing track 11; Bugge, Kristian et al Totakt-pols track 09; Fladstrand Spillemændene Spillemandsmusik track 11; Habadekuk Mollevit track 03; Jelling Spillemandslaug Mellem højene track 12; Jydsk på Næsen Paa'en igen! track 13 [YouTube]; Jæ' Sweevers Egnsmusik fra Fanø tracks 08, 12, 16, 23 [YouTube tracks 08, 12, 16, 23 ]; Maskineri 'En pige vandred' Hopsa 101 track 10 [YouTube]; Rejseorkestret Lige ind track 06; Rejseorkestret Sving egen cd 2 track 26; Sand på gulvet 'Bedstefars snaps', 'Nordvestenkuling', 'Alt så trækker vi trøjen af', 'Do har rejen vor kakkelovn om' [YouTube]; Sand på gulvet Fjerde juledag track 08 [YouTube]; Sand på gulvet Sydvest tracks A2, A8, B3; Spillemandslauget Fandango Bal med Spillemandslauget Fandango track 11; Spillemandslauget Tramp Opkald track B3; Topper & Lars Bedstefars snaps track 01; ULC Sik og sejs track 04.

Bars Dance progression:
1-7 Promenade (CCW turn): The couple turns CCW [on the spot] with 14 running steps. Each time M moves R food, he may whip L heel a little out sideways [on 1st beat], and replace it beside R foot. W runs forwards around him with longer steps.
8 M drops hold with R hand, and W with L hand, so that they swing away from each other, as M steps slightly back on R foot and closes L, while W steps back on R foot and forwards on L, after which they take sønderhoning hold.
9-16 Sønderhoning (CW turn): and turn with e.g. 10 sønderhoning steps.
  The number of steps in the CCW turn, and in the sønderhoning CW turn depends on the number of bars in the music which can vary.

See videos from/with: KØST2017 and YouTube: Sønderho Fondens Bal, 1980, Bugge, Eget & Davis Maack - Hvad er det for narreri, Jæ' Sweevers - Hu hej hummel i æ vand, Jæ' Sweevers - Kakkelovnen, Jæ' Sweevers - En pige vandred [danced as sønderhoning], Uhrbrand, Mouritzen & Thorlund - Hans Madsens kiste, Dobbelt Op - Bedstefars snaps, Bugge, Lydom & Beck - Hans Christian drog til stads, Bugge & Lirum Larum - Den nye fannik.

Provenance: When it was originally documented between 1911-1916, partly by J. Egedal, fannikedans was danced by the inhabitants of Nordby (Northern village) on the island of Fanø, while sønderhoning was danced by those of the village of Sønderho on the same island. Since about 1900, fannikedans has also been danced in the village of Sønderho, normally played at a faster tempo than sønderhoning.
Fannikedans is now danced more commonly as part of a suite consisting of two or more sønderhoning, a fannikedans and a rask sønderhoning.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Beskrivelse af gamle danske folkedanse hefte III. 5:e opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1983, p. 8.
See also:
-- Bæk, John/ Polskdans som levende tradition i 1900-tallets Danmark? -- musik og dans fra Fanø. 1983.
-- Grüner Nielsen, H./ Folkelig vals: sønderhoningdans, fannikedans, Manøsk brudedans, vip, sæt over, jysk polonæse, springfort, svejtrit. København: Det Schønbergske Forlag, 1920. p.63.
-- Karlsen, Hugo Hørlych/ Dans mellem ebbe og flod: sønderhoning. 3 rev. s.l.: Nordøsten, 2004. p.40.
-- Skov, Ole "Lidt omn indsamlingen af Sønderhoning og Fannikedans 1. del & 2. del" in Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 46-47, Feb.-Mar. 2000.
-- 'The Fannike dance' in: Burchenal, Elizabeth (trans.)/ Folk dances of Denmark, containing seventy-three dances.... New York, NY: G. Schirmer, 1915. p. 5.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2014-08-29, rev. 2022-12-12.

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