Firtur fra Sejerø

Country: Sejerø, Sjælland, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: any number of couples in closed circle.
Steps: buzz, chassé, pivot, walk
Music: 358:289; sheet music; (CD) Jydsk paa Næsen Tværs track 18.

    Dance progression
|:1-4:| 1 (a) In closed circle, all dance 16 walking steps CW.
|:5-12:|   (b) All take 2-hand hold with partner, and dance CCW in the circle, 8 chassé steps, while humming. M begins with L foot and dances forwards, W begins with R foot and dances backwards.
|:13-20:|   (c) Couples take waltz hold, and dance forwards in LOD, 4 chassé steps (13-20), followed by 8 pivot steps moving in LOD (13-20) in waist-shoulder hold.
May also be danced as follows: couples hold inside hands and dance 8 walking steps moving in LOD, followed by taking waist-shoulder hold with partner and dancing 8 pivot steps moving in LOD.
|:21-28:|   (d) All dance R-hand chain, 16 walking steps.
    Parts (b), (c), and (d) are the same in all sequences.
|:1-8:| 2 (a) All take waltz hold with partner, and dance 16 buzz steps on the spot.
|:1-8:| 3 (a) Sets of 2 couples for closed circles with back basket hold, dance 16 buzz steps turning CW.
|:1-8:| 4 (a) All W form circle with back basket hold, dance 16 buzz steps turning CW.
|:1-8:| 5 (a) All M form circle with back basket hold, dance 16 buzz steps turning CW.
|:1-8:| 6 (a) All form closed circle with basket hold, dance 16 buzz steps turning CW.
|:1-8:| 7 (a) The dance finishes with all couples repeating (3 (a)), 16 buzz steps on the spot.

Printed source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme Gamle danse fra Sjælland; 4. opl. Københavne, 1998. pp. 27-28.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2019-08-09

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