Country: Denmark
Type: longways progressive set
Sheet music:
(1) Bast brothers' ms notebook, 1763-1782;
(2) Bast, Christian Frederik & Poul Danchel notebook, 1763-1782
Folked Up [YouTube];
Gjern Spillemænd et al Bidt a' Bast track A4;
Højrebyfolk [YouTube];
Lars Lilholt Band [YouTube] (at 1:53);
Longways progressive set:
Formation: longways set for "as many as may". M to R, W to L as seen from the music
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
|:1-8:| | (a) | One-hand star: Couples 1 and 2 form R-hand star and circle CW (1-8), 8 chassé steps. Ditto CCW in L-hand star (1-8), 8 chassé steps. |
9-12 | (b) | Change places with corner: M2 and W1 change places, passing L shoulders (9-10), 2 chassé steps.
M1 and W2 do the same (11-12), 2 chassé steps. |
13-16 | Chase: M1 with M2, and W1 with W2 chase CCW to original place, 4 chassé steps. | |
9-12 | Retire and advance [sic]: All retire, 2 chassé steps, and advance, 2 chassé steps. [Alternatively, advance and retire.] | |
13-16 | Chain: All dance R-hand chain, 4 chassé steps.
Finish in own lines, couple 1 having progressed one place. |
Repeat from (a) as desired.
See video unattributed Source: video unattributed. |
Four couple parallel sets aka Bill Sullivan:
Type: longways 'snowball' set for sets of 4 couples
Wy-My Wz-Mz ... ... W6-M6 W5-M5 W4-M4 W3-M3 M1-W1 M2-W2 music Steps: hurretrin (buzz step), chassé (change step) or gangtrin (walk). . |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-4 | (a) | Advance & retire: Facing lines advance 4 walking steps (1-2) and retire ditto (3-4). |
5-8 | Swing corner: All take waltz hold with corner [=pro tem partner] and swing, on the spot, 8 buzz steps.
Finish in quadrille formation. C2(M4-W3) C4(M1-W4) C3(M3-W2) C1(M2-W1) music |
1-4 | (b) | W half-chain: All W form R-hand star, and turn CW half-way to opposite M (1-2), 4 walking steps or 2 chassé steps.
Courtesy turn (3-4), 4 walking steps or 2 chassé steps. |
5-8 | Repeat (b) to return to pro tem partner. | |
9-12 | (c) | Half-chain across: Head couples (c1 & c2 above, with backs to or facing music) half-chain across and courtesy turn. |
13-16 | Side couples (C3 & C4) half-chain across and courtesy turn. | |
9-12 | (d) | Chain and swing: All give L hand to corner and turn once round CCW (9-10). Chain to second oncoming dancer, W moving CW, M moving CCW, ie R-hand to next oncoming dancer (pro tem partner), and into waltz hold with second oncoming dancer (=original partner) (11-12). |
13-16 | Swing partner: In waltz hold with original partner, swing 8 buzz steps.
Finish in original lines but in opposite place in that line, facing a new line, ie the two lines have now switched places but are facing in the original direction. Lines at ends of the set face into set and stand over. |
Repeat from (a) as desired.
Each line advances through the set in the direction in which they were originally facing. At end of the set, they face in the opposite direction and stand over one repeat. See videos from/with Brøndby Spillemandslaug and friends; 'Bill Sullivan' with Folkedanslaget Springar`n 2022; 'Faurboegnens Folkedanserforening 2023 Source: as taught by Bente Dreyer in Bjerringbro. |
Note: there are other videos showing the same music used for a
(round dance for 3 couples) and for
Borrowdale exchange.
See also:
-- lø
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-02-22, rev. 2023-10-02.
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