Galopaden, Århus & Skanderborg

Country: Århus & Skanderborg, Denmark
Type: couple dance
Formation: couples in open circle, waltz hold, facing in LOD
Steps: hoptrin (step-hop)
Sheet music: Sørensen, Pia & Per 26 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne II 3:e opl. Kolding: Pia & Per Sørensen, 2005. p. 30.
[same tune occurs in De fire hjørner fra Midtsjælland (358:26), Galopaden fra Århus (P&P II), Grisen faldt og brak sit laar, Kavaleri galop fra Vejle (358:320), Russisk kavalerie (P&P II)]

Bars   Dance progression:
1-2   Man's step is as follows: step L foot forward (1:1), close R behind L (1:2), step R foot forward with a stamp (2:1), hop on R (2:2).
Woman's step is the same with opposite footwork.
3-4   Turn once round with step-hops on ML/WR (3), then on MR/WL (4).
    Continue from beginning as desired.

Provenance: the forerunner to the polka, Rutscher or Galop dances, were first devised in Austria/Germany in the 1820's, when one of the tunes from the 1824 musical 'Ein Wiener in Berlin' became a hit. One of the composers of 'Ein Wiener...' was Wenzel Müller. The musical premiered in Copenhagen in May of 1825 and became very popular.

Source: Sørensen, Pia & Per 26 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne II 3:e opl. Kolding: Pia & Per Sørensen, 2005. pp. 30-31.

See also:
-- 'Galopp (Tanz)' in Wikipedia rev. 2021-02-23 [in German]
-- Sørensen, Per. 'Grisen faldt og brak sit laar' fra Fyn og 'Grisen brak'te laaret' fra Møn', p. 15 in: Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 13. Feb. 1997. [in Danish]
-- de Guardiola, Susan Galop in Capering & kickery, Feb., 2009 and on.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2021-05-24, rev. 2022-01-31.

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