Æ skudstrupper, Æ skrudtrupper/Galopin, Rødding

Country: Rødding, Sønderjylland, Denmark
Type: couple dance
Formation: couples ("as many as will") in open circle, waltz hold, facing in LOD.
Steps: hop, hoptrin (step-hop), stamp
Sheet music: 'Æ skudstrupper' 358:526. A variant of the same music as Halv tolv, Vrøgum and Hopgesvejs, Hindsholm
Recordings: Osterholz, Renate et al Liflig sang cd 1 track 3 [Dancilla]

Bars Part Dance progression:
1 (a) M and W step forward in LOD with outside (ML/WR) foot, with a stamp.
Close inside (MR/WL) foot, bringing free foot forward.
Hop on inside (MR/WL) foot, while swinging outside (ML/WR) foot back and forward.
Hop on inside (MR/WL) foot, while swinging outside (ML/WR) foot back and forward.
Beat:                  1:1      1:2      1:3      1:4    
Inside MR/WL) foot:             step     hop      hop
Outside (ML/WR) foot: stamp     fwd      back-fwd back-fwd
2 (b) Turn CW with 2 step-hops.
3-4   Repeat (a) and (b).
1-4,|:5-8:|   Repeat from (a) as desired.

See videos from YouTube with/at Nordlek 2015 Viborg Nordisk folklore aften 2 DK (at 12:41), and [German version from Dancilla] also available at Dancilla.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle sønderjyske danse. 2:et udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 2007, p. 28.
See also: Aabech, Tage "1/2-12" in: Liv i lauget 83, April 1994.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2021-10-08, rev. 2021-11-29.

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