Halvtredjetur, Vestlolland

Country: Lolland, Denmark
Sheet music: (1) 358:153. (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, p. 20. (3) Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse udg. af Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, De Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger. 3:e opl. Vejle: Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger, 1988. pp. 49-50. (4) Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. pp. 49-50.
Recordings: Højreby Spillemandslaug På lang afstand track 04; Jensen & Bugge Sving egen (2004) cd 1 track 18 [YouTube]

    Halvtredjetur, Vestlolland:
Type: set dance
Formation: sets of 2 couples, couple facing couple.
Steps: chassé (change-step), hurretrin (buzz step), gangtrin (walk)
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: sets of 2 couples form closed circles, 16 buzz steps.
5-6   (b) Arches: couple 2 makes an arch which couple 1 dances under, 1 chassé step followed by 2 walking steps.
7-8   Both couples dance backwards to place, couple 1 making an arch which couple 2 dances under, 1 chassé step followed by 2 walking steps.
9-12   Couple 1 takes waltz hold with partner and swings on the spot, 8 buzz steps.
Meanwhile, couple 2 stands still.
5-12   Repeat (b), couples 1 and 2 reversing roles.
    Part (b) is the same in all sequences.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) W R-in-R: The 2 W take R-in-R with thumb hold, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) M R-in-R: The 2 M take R-in-R with thumb hold, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 4 (a) W 2-hand hold: The 2 W take 2-hand hold, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) M 2-hand hold: The 2 M take 2-hand hold, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 6 (a) One-hand star: All 4 dancers form R-hand star with wrist hold, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 7 (a) Circle: sets of 2 couples form closed circles, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:|   Swing: The dance finishes in waltz hold with partner and swinging on the spot, 16 buzz steps.

Provenance: the dance was originally documented by Erik Jensen, based on informant Gerhard Olsson, Tillitse, who had [learned?] the dance from old residents of Sandby. The tune is from the manuscript notebook of an old musician from Egholm.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, p. 20.
See also:
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse udg. af Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, De Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger. 3:e opl. Vejle: Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger, 1988. pp. 49-50.
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse Trans. by Ib Nielsen & Deborah Jones. 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. pp. 49-50.

    Halvtredjetur, Vestlolland - simplified version
Type: set dance
Formation: closed circle of couples.
Steps: chassé (change-step), hurretrin (buzz step), gangtrin (walk)
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| (a) Circle: in closed circle, all circle to L [CW], 16 walking steps.
5-6 (b) Advance, retire & elbow hook swing: all advance with 1 change step followed by 2 walking steps.
7-8   All retire with 1 change step followed by 2 walking steps.
9-12   All take R-elbow hook with partner and turn once round CW on the spot, 8 walking steps.
5-12   Repeat (b), but with L-elbow hook, 8 walking steps.
    [Repeat from (a) as desired.]
|:1-4:| (a) Circle: the dance finishes in a closed circle, all circling to L [CW], 16 walking steps.

Source: Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse udg. af Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, De Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger. 3:e opl. Vejle: Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger, 1988. p.49.
See also:
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse Trans. by Ib Nielsen & Deborah Jones. 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. p.49.

Translation: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2022-02-06, rev. 2022-05-30.

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