Hamborger paa langs (Tre ryk og et spark), Thy

Country: Thy, Denmark
Type: longways progressive set
Formation: any number of couples in a longways set, M to R and W to L as seen from the front.
Steps: hopsa, svingtrin (buzz), reeltrin (jig), walk.
Music: 358:196; sheet music
Recordings: Skaarup, Karl Musiker track 06.

    Dance progression
up notes   Couple 1 approach each other with 3 stamps.
[Alternatively, couple 1 takes 2-hand hold with partner, and jerks MR/WL hands backwards, then ML/WR hands backwards, and finally, with a stamp and kick, MR/WL hands backwards again.]
1-8 (a) Couple 1 takes R-in-R hold and turns CW on the spot, 8 buzz steps.
1-8   M1 and M2 take front crossed hand hold, and dance 8 jig steps on the spot. Simultaneously, W1 and W2 do the same.
9-16 (b) Couple 1 cross over, cast off behind couple 2, cross over between couples 2 and 3, cast off round couple 3, and taking inside hands with partner, dance up to the top of the set. 16 running/walking steps.
9-16   Couple 1 casts off on own side around couple 2, and in between couples 2 and 3, and dance R-hand chain once round with couple 2. Meanwhile couple 2 steps up, take R-in-R hand with partner and changes places with partner ('Svipper'), and into R-hand chain with couple 1. 16 running/walking steps.
|:17-24:| (c) Couples 1 and 2 take waltz hold with partner and dance hopsa around each other. 16 hopsa steps.
Couple 1 finishes between couples 2 and 3 [ready to repeat the dance with couples 3 and 4.]
    When couple 1 begins dancing with couples 4 and 5, couple 2 can begin dancing with couples 2 and 3.
When couple 1 has reached the second last position in the set, dance part (b) first by W1, and then by M1. Part (c) is then danced with couple 1 and the last couple together.
If sets are small (eg 3-5 couples) the dance can be done with full progression, ie the active couple can hopsa to the bottom of the set during the last bars of part (c).
    Repeat from the up notes as desired.

See YouTube video

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme Gamle danse fra Mors og Thy. 4. opl. København: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme, 1985 pp. 67-68.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-05-08

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