Hele familien, Midtjylland

Country: Midtjylland (central Jutland), Denmark
Type: couple mixer
Formation: any number of couples in a closed circle, W on M's R side.
Steps: run, tyrolertrin, valsetrin (waltz)
Music: 358:386 [or any waltz with appropriate tempo 𝅗𝅥=60 and structure]

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) Chain: all dance R-hand chain to 8th dancer [=new partner], 24 running steps.
9-16 (b) Tyrolervals: holding inside hands with new partner, all dance tyrolervals.
    Repeat from (a) as long as the musicians are willing to play.

See YouTube video from Dansefestival Bornholm

Printed source: Sørensen, Pia & Per/ I: 55 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne. Kolding: s.n., 2003 p. 17.
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2021-09-25

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