Hillestrupsætet: Totur, Tretur, Firtur med vals, Firtur med skuffe, Hillestrup, Falster

Country: Hillestrup, Falster, Denmark
Note: the totur, tretur, and either firtur med vals or firtur med skuffe are traditionally danced one after the other.

    Totur, Hillestrup
Type: set dance
Formation: any number of couples in closed circle. Best with 8 couples.
Steps: sideskridt (side step), hurretrin (buzz step) & reverse buzz step, gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music: (1) 'totur fra Falster' 358:161 (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, p. 40.
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: All circle to L [in LOD] (1-4), 8 side steps. Ditto to R [in RLOD], 8 side steps (1-4).
5-8   (b) Promenade: Couples take side front crossed hold, and circle in LOD, 8 walking steps.
5-8   Without dropping hold, couples turn (M to R, W to L), and circle in RLOD, 8 walking steps.
Variant: Part (b) has also been danced by couples taking 2-hand hold with partner, M with backs to centre of the circle and W facing into circle. All dance 8 side steps in LOD, followed by 8 sidesteps in RLOD.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Swing: Couples take waltz hold and swing on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Swing: Couples take waltz hold and swing on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 4 (a) W circle: All W take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) M circle: All M take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 6 (a) W circle: All W take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 7 (a) M circle: All M take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 8 (a) Circle: Circle with in LOD, 8 buzz steps. Ditto in RLOD, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:|   Swing: The dance finishes with couples taking waltz hold and swinging on the spot, 16 buzz steps.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, pp. 40-41.

    Tretur, Hillestrup
Type: set dance/mixer
Formation: any number of couples in closed circle. Best with 8 couples.
Steps: sideskridt (side step), hurretrin (buzz step) & reverse buzz step, gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music: (1) 'firetur fra Falster' 358:165 (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, p. 41.
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: All circle to L [in LOD] (1-4), 8 side steps. Ditto to R [in RLOD], 8 side steps (1-4).
5-8   (b) Promenade: Couples take side front crossed hold, and circle in LOD, 8 walking steps.
5-8   Without dropping hold, couples turn (M to R, W to L), and circle in RLOD, 8 walking steps.
Variant: Part (b) has also been danced by couples taking 2-hand hold with partner, M with backs to centre of the circle and W facing into circle. All dance 8 side steps in LOD, followed by 8 sidesteps in RLOD.
|:9-12:|   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain, to 9th oncoming dancer (=new partner). 16 walking steps.
    Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences.
|:13-20:|   (d) Waltz: New couples take waltz hold and dance turning waltz in LOD, 16 waltz steps.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Swing: Couples take waltz hold and swing on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Swing: Couples take waltz hold and swing on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 4 (a) W circle: All W take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) M circle: All M take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 6 (a) W circle: All W take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 7 (a) M circle: All M take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 8 (a) Circle: Circle with in LOD, 8 buzz steps. Ditto in RLOD, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:|   Swing: The dance finishes with couples taking waltz hold and swinging on the spot, 16 buzz steps.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, pp. 41-42.

    Firtur med vals, Hillestrup
Type: set dance/mixer
Formation: any number of couples in closed circle. Best with 8 couples.
Steps: sideskridt (side step), hurretrin (buzz step) & reverse buzz step, valstrin (waltz), gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music: (1) 'firetur fra Falster' 358:165 (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, pp. 42-43.
Recordings: Andreasen, Mogens 'firetur fra Falster' [YouTube];
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: Circle in LOD (1-4), 4 side steps. Ditto in RLOD, 4 side steps (1-4).
5-8   (b) Promenade: Couples take side front crossed hold, and circle in LOD, 8 walking steps.
5-8   Without dropping hold, couples turn (M to R, W to L), and circle in RLOD, 8 walking steps.
Variant: Part (b) has also been danced by couples taking 2-hand hold with partner, M with backs to centre of the circle and W facing into circle. All dance 8 side steps in LOD, followed by 8 sidesteps in RLOD.
|:9-12:|   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain, to 9th oncoming dancer (=new partner). 16 walking steps.
|:13-20:|   (d) Waltz: New couples take waltz hold and dance turning waltz in LOD, 16 waltz steps.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Swing: Couples take waltz hold and swing on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Swing: Couples take waltz hold and swing on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 4 (a) W circle: All W take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) M circle: All M take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 6 (a) W circle: All W take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 7 (a) M circle: All M take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 8 (a) Circle: Circle with in LOD, 8 buzz steps. Ditto in RLOD, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:|   Swing: The dance finishes with couples taking waltz hold and swinging on the spot, 16 buzz steps.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, p. 42-44.

    Firtur med skuffe, Hillestrup
Type: set dance/mixer
Formation: any number of couples in closed circle. Best with 8 couples.
Steps: sideskridt (side step), hurretrin (buzz step) & reverse buzz step, sideløbstrin (slip step), gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, p. 44.
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: Circle in LOD (1-4), 8 side steps. Ditto in RLOD, 8 side steps (1-4).
5-8   (b) Promenade: Couples take side front crossed hold, and circle in LOD, 8 walking steps.
5-8   Without dropping hold, couples turn (M to R, W to L), and circle in RLOD, 8 walking steps.
Variant: Part (b) has also been danced by couples taking 2-hand hold with partner, M with backs to centre of the circle and W facing into circle. All dance 8 side steps in LOD, followed by 8 sidesteps in RLOD.
|:9-12:|   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain, to 9th oncoming dancer (=original partner, if 8 couples). 16 walking steps.
|:13-20:|   (d) Skuffe: Couples take two-hand hold (M faces out of circle, W faces in) and dance 8 long side steps moving CW around the set, followed by 8 long side steps CCW.
Variant: According to Rasmus Toxværd, Væggerløse, part (d) has also been danced by couples, after 8 side steps CW, turns 1/2 turn CW or CCW (such that M faces into circle, W faces out) before continuing with 8 long side steps moving CCW around the set. [Source claims this is a variant of part (c) - translator interprets this as a typographical error.]
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Swing: Couples take waltz hold and swing on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Swing: Couples take waltz hold and swing on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 4 (a) W circle: All W take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) M circle: All M take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 6 (a) W circle: All W take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 7 (a) M circle: All M take shoulder hold and turn CW, 8 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:| 8 (a) Circle: Circle with in LOD, 8 buzz steps. Ditto in RLOD, 8 reverse buzz steps.
|:1-4:|   Swing: The dance finishes with couples taking waltz hold and swinging on the spot, 16 buzz steps.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, p. 44-45.

Provenance: All of the above dances were documented by Johannes Egedal in 1917. All of the tunes referenced above are after musician Hans Adrian, Hillestrup. In an overview, Hans Adrian wrote "The dances in this book were all played by my father Peder Adrian, born in Karleby on February 10, 1825, and many of them were played by my grandfather Lars Adrian, Karleby, born 1783. They are collected and transcribed here in December 1915 by Hans Adrian, Hillestrup, born February 18, 1853."
Several different tunes were used for the totur, tretur, firtur med vals and firtur med skuffe. Johannes Egedal in 1917 wrote "The tune had to fit."

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-02-02, rev. 2022-10-10.

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