Hist på pælen

Country: Mandø, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: 3 couples in a longways set, couple 1 facing couples 2 and 3. All 3 couples have W standing on M's R side.

                  front   facing
                  W1  M1    ↓
                  M2  W2    ↑
                  M3  W3    ↑

Steps: chassé, polka
Sheet music: (1) Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. p. 13. (2) Hansen, Karen & Christian Obel/ Danse fra Sønderjylland & Slesvig Holsten [2017] 2/4-time, ♩.=84, accelerating.
Recordings: Bakskuld Hyldest til Mandø track 11.

Bars Dance progression
|:1-4:|,5-12 Couple 1 crosses in front of couple 2, again between couples 2 and 3, and again behind couple 3. W always crosses in front of partner. 8 chassé steps. Couple 1 then takes waltz hold and dances up as couple 3.
Meanwhile, couples 2 and 3 take waltz hold and dance 8 polka steps turning CW and moving up towards couple 1's place. Once each couple reaches couple 1's place, they begin crossing as above, to finish as couple 3 again.
Note: when the dance starts, couple 2 waits 4 bars before beginning to dance up the set with 4 polka steps. This happens only the first time through.
  All 3 couples must keep an eye on the relative locations of each of the other couples, the dance should progress smoothly.
  Note: Obel suggests: "After the leader calls "Last time", all couples dance out around the floor with either polka steps, or two polka steps followed by 4 pivot steps, repeat."

See Youtube video with Bramming IF 2010.

Source: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. pp. 13-14.
See also:
-- Hansen, Karen & Christian Obel/ Danse fra Sønderjylland & Slesvig Holsten [2017] [in Danish]
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-02-08, rev. 2022-03-27.

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