Kjærlighed forudan strømper, Bornholm

Country: Bornholm, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) respectively have backs to and face music. Side couples (couples 3 and 4) stand respectively to R of couples 1 and 3.
Steps: gangtrin (walk), sidegangstrin (side-step), vals (waltz)
Sheet music: (1) 358:585; (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Bornholm. 2 opl., København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1982. pp. 42-43.
Recordings: Bornholms Spillemandskvartet Melodier fra Bornholm track 19.

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| 1 (a) Circle: All couples form closed circle, and dance CW, 8 walking steps. Ditto CCW, 8 walking steps.
9-16   (b) Figuré: Head couples take 2-hand hold with partner, with arms bent and out to the side (butterfly hold), and pass CW to opposite side (W passing back-to-back) (9-12), 4 side-steps.
Continue CW turn to return to original place (13-16), 4 side-steps.
9-16   Side couples repeat (b).
|:17-24:|   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain once round the set, 16 waltz steps.
|:25-32:|   (d) Turn: All couples take R-elbow hook with partner, and turn twice round CW on the spot, 16 waltz steps. Ditto CCW in L-elbow hook hold.
    Parts (b), (c), and (d) are the same in all sequences.
|:1-8:| 2 (a) One-hand turn: All couples take R-in-R hold with partner and circle CW on the spot (1-8), 8 waltz steps. Ditto with L-in-L hold, circling CCW (1-8), 8 waltz steps.
|:1-8:| 3 (a) Two-hand turn: All couples take 2-hand hold with partner and circle CW on the spot (1-8), 8 waltz steps. Ditto circling CCW (1-8), 8 waltz steps.
|:1-8:| 4 (a) W one-hand star: All W form R-hand star and circle CW (1-8), 8 waltz steps. Ditto with L-hand star, circling CCW (1-8), 8 waltz steps.
|:1-8:| 5 (a) M one-hand star: All M form R-hand star and circle CW (1-8), 8 waltz steps. Ditto with L-hand star, circling CCW (1-8), 8 waltz steps.
|:1-8:| 6 (a) Chase: All couples chase CW around the set while clapping hands (1-8), 8 walking steps. Ditto CCW (1-8), 8 walking steps.

Provenance: From the musical parody of Italian operas, "Kierlighed uden Strømper" composed in 1772 and premiered at Det Kongelige Teater [trans: the Royal Theatre] in Copenhagen in March 1773. Lyrics by Johan Herman Wessel (1742-1785) and music by Paolo Scalabrini (1713-1803). The music for this set dance is from Mette's aria "Så æltes bly med vrede tænder" [trans: Kneading/chewing lead with angry teeth].

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Bornholm. 2 opl., 1982 pp. 42-44. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1982.
See also:
-- Sørensen, Per ' Indsamling af danse på Bornholm, del 5 Kjærlighed forudan Strømper'. in: Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 65, Nov. 2001. [in Danish]
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2022-09-23, rev, 2022-10-20.

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