Country: Denmark
Type: mixer
Sheet music:
(1) Folkets Hus Spillefolk 'klapfinale'.
(2) Sørensen, Pia & Per/ VII: 28 gamle folkedanse fra Sjælland, Lolland, Fyn og Øerne. Kolding: Pia & Per Sørensen, 2000 p.34.
(3) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, p. 54.
(4) klapfinale, Oreby and Sakskøbingegnen.
(5) Thyregod, S. Tvermose/ nr 64 'Gedebukketyv' in: Danmarks sanglege. København: Det Schønbergske Forlag, 1931. p. 157.
(6) Nørgaard, Kjeld.
'Om dansene fra Børnenes Musik' in:
Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 73, August 2003.
(7) Landrin, M./ nr 3 "le carillon d'un Kerque" in: 5 Potpourri francois des
Contre-Danse Ancienne. Paris: ca 1760.
[The tune is the Flemish/French tune now known as 'Le carillon de Dunkirque' or
'The chimes of Dunkirk'.]
Lang Linken 'Aarhus tappenstreg' Lyst track 15;
Polyphon Danse Orkester 'pirre vals + klapfinale' [Internet Archive];
Square Dansk 'Poul sine høns' Square Dansk & Les Lanciers track 11;
'Gedebukketyv' Se og syng 3, vol. 4 (Dansk Sang, Musiklærerforeningens forlag, 2021) [YouTube] [also available on Amazon, Apple Music, Deezer, Napster, Spotify, TikTok].
See also: Tappenstreg.
Klapfinale, Nakskov, Lolland
Formation: any number of couples facing each other in an open (double) circle, M facing out of circle, W facing in. Steps: chassé (change step), hæl og tå (heel-toe), gangtrin (walk) |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-2 | (a) | Figuré: All dance 1 chassé step to own L, followed by hæl og tå [with R foot]. |
3-4 | All dance 1 chassé step to own R, followed by hæl og tå [with L foot]. | |
5-8 | All take R-in-R hold with partner and turn once round CW with 3 chassé steps and 2 walking steps. | |
9-10 | (b) | Stamp, clap, turn: All stamp 3 times. |
11-12 | All clap own hands 3 times. | |
13-16 | All circle partner, without taking hands, but with a haughty mien, 3 chassé steps and 2 walking steps.
On the two walking steps (16) proceed to next oncoming dancer to the L (=new partner). |
Repeat from (a) as desired.
See videos with Kvadrille-Klub 2021, Team Bornholm 2019, L Panduro 2021. Provenance:
Source: Sørensen, Pia & Per/ VII: 28 gamle folkedanse fra Sjælland, Lolland, Fyn og Øerne. Kolding: Pia & Per Sørensen, 2000 pp.34-35. |
Klapfinale, Oreby and Sakskøbingegnen, north-east Lolland
Formation: any number of couples facing each other in an open (double) circle, M facing out of circle, W facing in. M with arms folded on chest, W with hands on hips. Steps: chassé (change step), gangtrin (walk) |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-2 | (a) | Figuré: All dance 1 chassé step and 2 walking steps to own L. |
3-4 | All dance 1 chassé step and 2 walking steps to own R. | |
5-8 | All take R-in-R hold with partner and turn once round CW with 3 chassé steps and curtsey/bow to partner. | |
9-10 | (b) | Clap, stamp, progress: All clap own hands 3 times. |
11-12 | All stamp 3 times (M: L-R-L; W: R-L-R). | |
13-16 | All take L-in-L hold with second corner (opposing dancer to L (=new partner) and turn once round CCW, 3 chassé steps and curtsey/bow to new partner. | |
Repeat from (a) as desired.
Formation: any number of couples facing each other in an open circle, M facing out of circle, W facing in. Steps: løbetrin (run), gangtrin (walk) |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-2 | (a) | Figuré: All dance running steps to own L. |
3-4 | All dance running steps to own R. | |
5-8 | All take R-in-R hold with partner and turn CW on the spot. | |
9-10 | (b) | Clap, stamp & progress: Drop hold with partner, and clap 3 times. |
11-12 | All stamp 3 times with R foot. | |
13-16 | All take R-in-R hold with partner and turn CW on the spot.
Finish with M moving to next W (=new partner) to his L [ie CCW in the circle]. |
Repeat from (a) as desired.
Danish lyrics
English translation
Provenance: According to Thyregod, "this description has only been found in one source but without sheet music. The dance description is essentially the same as klapfinale, and the lyrics can be sung to that tune. It is therefore not a stretch to hypothesize that, in the absence of a musician, people have danced to that tune and invented the above lyrics. According to Berggreen, A[ndreas] P[eter] ([Folke-sange og melodier] vol VI, 1, ch. 41) the tune also occurs in a [Flemish] folk song." Source: Thyregod, S. Tvermose/ nr 64 'Gedebukketyv' in: Danmarks sanglege. København: Det Schønbergske Forlag, 1931. p. 157.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2022-01-18, rev. 2023-04-03.
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