
Country: Vejle Vesteregn, Denmark
Type: couple dance
Formation: any number of couples in open circle facing in LOD, holding inside hands.
Steps: hopsa, tyrolervals, vals (waltz)
Sheet music: 358:444 Note: The waltz tune is played any number of times, followed without pause by the hopsa tune. The hopsa tune is normally played only once and finishes the dance.
Recordings: Mikkelsen, Verner Village folk dances track 11, Ramsø Spillemandslaug Med saft og brynde track 09.

Bars Part Dance progression
1-2 (a) Tyrolervals with clap: With a clap on the first step M and W dance 2 tyrolervals steps forward in LOD. Hands are held up high in the clap.
3-4   Couples take waltz hold, and dance turning CW with 2 waltz steps.
5-16   Repeat (a) 3 times.
    Repeat (a) as many times as the music plays the waltz tune.
1-4 (b) Tyrolerhopsa with clap: all dance 4 tyrolertrin, with a clap on steps 1 and 3.
5-8   Couples take waltz hold, and dance turning CW with 4 hopsa steps.
1-8,|:9-16:|   Repeat (b) 3 times.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Legestuen. 5:e opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1983, pp. 19-20.
Translation: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2020-06-24, rev. 2022-11-06.

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