Country: Alslev, Præstø, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) respectively have their backs to or face the music.
Side couples: couple 3 stands on the side to the right of couple 1, and couple 4 faces couple 3. W stands to R of M.
Steps: hurretrin (buzz step), walk
Sheet music: 358:225
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
|:1-4:| | 1 (a) | All form closed circle and dance 16 hurretrin CW. |
5-6 | (b) | Couples 1 and 2 (head couples) take waltz hold and dance 4 hurretrin turning 1-3/4 turns and finish with W in centre, back to back. |
7-8 | Couples 3 and 4 repeat (b). | |
5-8 | (c) | All M dance CW once round the women, 8 walking steps. |
9-12 | (d) | All take front crossed hold with partner, and dance CCW around the set with 8 wallking steps. |
9-12 | Without dropping hold, all turn, M over R shoulder, W over L shoulder, and dance CW, 8 walking steps to return to place. | |
|:13-16:| | (e) | All dance R-hand chain once round the set, 16 walking steps. |
Parts (b), (c), (d) and (e) are the same in all sequences.. | ||
|:1-4:| | 2 (a) | All couples swing parter CW on the spot. 16 hurretrin. |
|:1-4:| | 3 (a) | All W form closed circle and dance CW 16 hurretrin. |
|:1-4:| | 4 (a) | All M form closed circle and dance CW 16 hurretrin. |
|:1-4:| | 5 (a) | All W form R-hand star, and dance CW 16 hurretrin. |
|:1-4:| | 6 (a) | All M form R-hand star, and dance CW 16 hurretrin. |
|:1-4:| | 7 (a) | All couples take back basket hold [M arms around Ws waists, W hands on Ms shoulders] and dance CW, 16 hurretrin. |
|:1-4:| | 8 (a) | All couples swing partner CW on the spot. 16 hurretrin. |
|:1-4:| | The dance finishes with swing partner CW on the spot. 16 hurretrin. |
See YouTube video for Nordlek 2015.
This was one of the combined dances at Nordlek 2015 in Viborg. Only sequences 1, 5, 6, 7 and the finish were danced at Nordlek.
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