Country: Præstø, Møn & Sjælland, Denmark
Formation: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Couples 1 and 2 (head couples) have respectively their backs to and facing the music. Couples 3 and 4 (side couples) stand respectively to the R of couples 1 and 2.
Kontra otte, Lestrup, Præstø
Steps: hurretrin (buzz), hopsa, tyrolertrin Sheet music: (1) 358:220 (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme/ Gamle danse fra Præstø Amt. 3 opl. København, 1979. p.37. Recordings: De Silkeborg Spillemænd Kredsen runt II track 17; Ramsø Spillemandslaug Løft fødderne! (1993), Ramsø Spillemandslaug Så rykker det track 05; Trunderup Spillemændene Dansk spillemandsmusik 2 track 07. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-16 | 1 (a) | Circle: All form closed circle and dance CW, once around the set, 16 hopsa steps. |
17-20 | (b) | Advance, retire & hopsa: Couples 1 and 2, holding inside hands, advance with 4 tyrolertrin (hopsa rhythm). |
21-24 | Couples 1 and 2 retire, backwards, with 4 tyrolertrin. | |
25-32 | Couples 1 and 2 dance hopsa, turning CW and moving CCW around the opposite couple, back to place. 8 hopsa steps. | |
17-32 | Couples 3 and 4 repeat (b). | |
|:33-40:| | (c) | Swing: All couples take waltz hold, and swing partner on the spot. 16 buzz steps.
Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences. |
1-16 | 2 (a) | Couple hopsa: All couples take waltz hold and dance turning hopsa moving CCW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 3 (a) | W circle: Women's circle, moving CW once around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 4 (a) | M circle: Men's circle, moving CW once around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
Sequences 3 and 4 are repeated a few times. | ||
1-16 | Couple hopsa: The dance finishes with all couples dancing turning hopsa moving CCW around the set, 16 hopsa steps.
See videos from/with Borris kursus 2010, Herlev Gamle Danse 2023 Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme/ Gamle danse fra Præstø Amt. 3 opl. København, 1979. pp. 37-38. |
Kontra otte, Møn
Steps: hopsa, tyrolertrin Sheet music: (1) 358:206 (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme/ Gamle danse fra Møn. 4 opl. København, 1983. p.26. Recordings: Rebild Spillemandslaug Gammeldaws (Nordjysk Folkekultur II) (1984, cassette) track B3; Thy Spillemandslaug Thy Spillemandslaug 3 track A2. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-16 | 1 (a) | Circle: All form closed circle and dance CW, once around the set, 16 small hopsa steps. |
17-20 | (b) | Advance, retire & hopsa: Couples 1 and 2, holding inside hands, bent arms and beginning swinging towards the centre of the set, advance with 4 tyrolertrin (hopsa rhythm). |
21-24 | Couples 1 and 2 retire, backwards, with 4 tyrolertrin. | |
25-32 | Couples 1 and 2 take waltz hold and dance hopsa, turning CW and moving CCW around the opposite couple, back to place. 8 hopsa steps. | |
17-32 | Couples 3 and 4 repeat (b).
Part (b) is the same in all sequences. |
1-16 | 2 (a) | Couple hopsa: All couples take waltz hold and dance turning hopsa moving CCW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 3 (a) | Couple hopsa: All couples take waltz hold and dance turning hopsa moving CCW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 4 (a) | W R-hand star: Women's R-hand star, moving CW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 5 (a) | M R-hand star: Men's R-hand star, moving CW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 6 (a) | W L-hand star: Women's L-hand star, moving CCW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 7 (a) | M L-hand star: Men's L-hand star, moving CCW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 8 (a) | W back basket: Women's back basket, moving CW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 9 (a) | M back basket: Men's back basket, moving CW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | 10 (a) | Circle: All couples form closed circle and dance turning hopsa moving CW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps. |
1-16 | Couple hopsa: The dance finishes with all couples dancing hopsa moving CCW around the dance floor, 16 hopsa steps.
See videos from/with Rebild Spillemændene 2012, Knud med venner i Roskilde 2015, unattributed 2015, Rebild Spillemændene 2016, Rebild Spillemændene 2017. Rebild Spillemændene 2019 Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme/ Gamle danse fra Møn. 4 opl. København, 1983. pp. 26-27. |
Kontra otte, Slagelseegnen, Sjælland
Steps: hopsa, tyrolertrin (in hopsa rhythm), løbetrin (run) Sheet music: (1) 358:206 (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme/ Gamle danse fra Møn. 4 opl. København, 1983. p.26. (3) Burchenal, Elizabeth (trans.)/ 'contra eight' in: Folk dances of Denmark, containing seventy-three dances.... New York, NY: G. Schirmer, 1915. p.79. Recordings: Thy Spillemandslaug Thy Spillemandslaug 3 track A2. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-16 | 1 (a) | Circle: All form closed circle and dance CW, twice around the set, 32 small running steps. |
17-24 | (b) | Advance & retire: Couples 1 and 2, advance with 4 tyrolertrin (17-20), followed by 4 tyrolertrin on the spot (21-24). |
25-32 | Couples 1 and 2 retire, while individually circling partner, M beginning dancing in front of his partner. 8 hopsa steps. | |
17-32 | Couples 3 and 4 repeat (b). | |
1-16 | (c) | Couple hopsa: All couples take waltz hold and dance turning hopsa moving CCW around the set and back to place, 16 hopsa steps.
Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences. |
1-16 | 2 (a) | Swing: All couples take waltz hold and swing on the spot, 32 running steps.
Repeat from (2 (a)) as desired. |
1-16 | Couple hopsa: The dance finishes with part (c), with all couples dancing hopsa moving CCW around the dance floor, 16 hopsa steps.
See videos from/with Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Beskrivelse af gamle Danske folkedanse hefte II.
6:e opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1995. pp. 12-13.
Kontra ottetur, Agerskov, Sønderjylland
Steps: hoptrin (step-hop), tyrolertrin (in hopsa rhythm) Sheet music: (1) 358:315 (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle sønderjyske danse. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme, 2007. p.62. (3) Bidstrup, Georg/ 'contra eight' in: Singing games and folk dances. Brasstown NC: John C. Campbell Folk School, 1941. p.48. (4) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ 'contra eight' in: Old Danish folk dances. trans. by Finn Dyhr. Copenhagen: Association for the promotion of folk dances (Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme), 1960. p.25. Recordings: Råbergs Spillemandskvartet Danske folkedanse (1960) track B2; Råbergs Spillemandskvartet Gammeldavs aften track 08 [YouTube]; Hausted, Hans Arne, Dorthe Linde Jørgensen, Renate Osterholz Liflig sang (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Tanz Schleswig-Holstein e.V., 2005) cd 2 track 04 [Dancilla]. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
|:1-8:| | 1 (a) | Circle: All form closed circle and dance CW, 8 step-hops. Ditto CCW, 8 step-hops. |
9-12 | (b) | Advance, circle & retire: Couples 1 and 2, holding inside hands, advance with 4 tyrolertrin. |
13-16 | Couples 1 and 2 take 2-hand hold with opposite dancer, and dance 4 tyrolertrin on the spot. | |
9-16 | Couples 1 and 2, maintaining 2-hand hold with opposite, lock arms by both M lifting R elbow over his partner's L arm. The two couples dance CW once round on the spot [and retire to place], 8 step-hops. | |
|:17-24:| | Couples 3 and 4 repeat (b). | |
|:25-32:| | (c) | Chain: All dance R-hand chain once round the set, 12 step-hops.
Followed by taking R-in-R hand with partner and dance once round CW on the spot, 4 step-hops. Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences. |
|:1-8:| | 2 (a) | W 1-hand star: All W form R-hand star with thumb-hold, and dance 8 step-hops moving CW. Ditto in L-hand star, 8 step-hops CCW. |
|:1-8:| | 3 (a) | M 1-hand star: All M form R-hand star with thumb-hold, and dance 8 step-hops moving CW. Ditto in L-hand star, 8 step-hops CCW. |
|:1-8:| | 4 (a) | W 2-hand star: All W form 2-hand star and dance 8 step-hops moving CW. Ditto 8 step-hops CCW. |
|:1-8:| | 5 (a) | M 2-hand star: All M form 2-hand star and dance 8 step-hops moving CW. Ditto 8 step-hops CCW. |
|:1-8:| | 6 (a) | W closed circle: All W form closed circle and dance 8 step-hops moving CW. Ditto 8 step-hops CCW. |
|:1-8:| | 7 (a) | M closed circle: All M form closed circle and dance 8 step-hops moving CW. Ditto 8 step-hops CCW. |
1-16 | All closed circle: The dance finishes with all couples forming closed circle and dancing 8 step-hops moving CW, followed by 8 step-hops moving CCW.
See videos from/with Varde 2019, Dancilla Provenance: Documented by Andreas Otterstrøm about 1932. Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle sønderjyske danse. 2 udg. København: Foreningen til Folkedansens
Fremme, 2007. pp. 62-63.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2017-01-13, rev. 2023-07-28.
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