Kræn Gaades fir[e]tur, Hadsundegnen

Country: Hadsundegnen, Himmerland, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) respectively have their backs to or face the music. Side couples: couple 3 stands on the side to the right of couple 1, and couple 4 faces couple 3. W stands to R of M.
Steps: reeltrin (jig step), hoptrin (step-hop), vals (waltz), run
Sheet music: (1) 358:248, (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme/ Gamle danse fra Randersegnen. 4 opl. København: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme, 1997, pp. 30-31. (3) 'Kristen Gad's four-dance' in: Burchenal, Elizabeth (trans.)/ Folk dances of Denmark, containing seventy-three dances.... New York, NY: G. Schirmer, 1915. p. 28.
Recordings: Den Fynske Spillemandskvartet Så danser vi til Den Fynske Spillemandskvartet track B2; Spillemændene fra Himmerland Liegstouw track B7.

Bars Part Dance progression
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: All form closed circle, and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW, 16 running steps.
5-8   (b) Jig steps: All turn to partner and, beginning hopping on MR/WL foot, dance 8 jig steps.
5-8   With a stamp, all turn away from partner to face corner, and dance 8 jig steps.
|;9-12:|   (c) Chain: All clap own hands, take R-elbow hook with corner, and turn once round on the spot, 2 step-hops.
Continue in a standard chain, giving L-hand to next oncoming dancer, then R-hand, etc., once round the set, 14 step-hops.
During bars 9-10, all sing "Åh Malene, åh Malene".
|;13-20:|   (d) Waltz: In waltz hold with partner, all dance turning waltz around the set. 16 waltz steps.
    Parts (b), (c) and (d) are the same in all sequences.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Two-hand hold: All take two-hand hold with partner and turn CW on the spot, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW, 16 running steps.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) W one-hand star: All W form R-hand star and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW in L-hand star, 16 running steps.
|:1-4:| 4 (a) M one-hand star: All W form R-hand star and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW in L-hand star, 16 running steps.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) W two-hand star: All W form two-hand star [front basket] and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW in L-hand star, 16 running steps.
|:1-4:| 6 (a) M two-hand star: All W form two-hand star [front basket] and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW in L-hand star, 16 running steps.
|:1-4:|   Circle: The dance finishes with closed circle, and circling CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW, 16 running steps.

The dance has also been done with 5 couples, in which case the chain in part (c) is danced only to first meeting with own partner, ie. half-way round the set.

See video from KØST2017 (with 5 couples), and YouTube videos with Knud med venner 2016, Rebild Spillemændene 2016

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme/ Gamle danse fra Randersegnen. 4 opl. København: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme, 1997, pp. 30-31.
See also:
-- Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Beskrivelse af gamle danske folkedanse hefte III. 5th ed. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1983, p. 21.
-- Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Tolv danske folkedanse: et udvalg ved Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme. Kolding: Konrad Jørgensens Bogtrykkeri, 1920. p.20.
-- 'Kristen Gad's four-dance' in: Burchenal, Elizabeth (trans.)/ Folk dances of Denmark, containing seventy-three dances.... New York, NY: G. Schirmer, 1915. p. 28.
-- Bryans, Helen L. and John Madsen Scandinavian dances. Book II. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin & Co. Ltd., 1942. p. 6.
-- Den Fynske Spillemandskvartet Så danser vi til Den Fynske Spillemandskvartet: dansebeskrivelser til DFS 4. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, 1980. pp. 25-28. [in Danish, English, German]

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2022-02-14.

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