Longsomma Gjârted, Bornholm

Country: Bornholm, Denmark
Type: longways progressive set dance
Formation: couples in two lines reversed, ie M to the left, W to the right as seen from the music. Numbered 1, 2, 1, 2 etc from the top of the set.
Steps: hopsabalancé [balancé to hopsa rhythm], hopsa, menuet [Note: Curtseys and bows are very deep. W curtsey straight down with back straight and head bowed.]
Music: 358:578
Recordings: Bornholms Spillemandskvartet Melodier fra Bornholm track A8; De Midtsjællandske Spillemænd Spil med spillemand track B4; Henning & Ann-Cathrin Larsen Hâ-driv-jemm track A1; Spillemandslauget Tramp Tramp 2 track 22; Trunderup Spillemændene Dansk spillemandsmusik 2 track 05.

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-2 (a) M1 and M2 turn to each other and bow,
3-4   All turn to partner and bow/curtsey.
5-6   W1 and W2 turn to each other and curtsey.
7-8   All turn to partner and bow/curtsey.
9-16 (b) Couples 1 and 2 form R-hand star, with thumb hold, and circle CW. 4 menuet steps.
9-16   Couples 1 and 2 form L-hand star, with thumb hold, and circle CCW. 4 menuet steps, to return to place.
17-24 (c) All face partner and dance 8 small hopsabalancés on the spot, beginning to L,
|:25-32:| (d) Couples 1 and 2 dance R-hand chain (starting R hand to partner) 1-3/4 times around, with 16 small hopsa steps. On completion of the chain, the two couples have changed places (progressed), ready to start from the beginning with the next couple.
    Repeat as desired from (a).
Every second time through, one couple stands over at the top and/or at the bottom of the set.

See also videos from Varde 2019 and YouTube

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Bornholm. 2:t opl. København: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme, 1982 pp. 18-19
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2011-12-12, rev. 2021-05-25

See also: Sørensen, Per " Indsamlingen af danse på Bornholm del 4" in: Dansens og musikkens rødder nr 64, October 2001 [in Danish].

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