Lybækkeren, Himmerland

Country of origin: Denmark
Type: couple dance
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, facing in RLOD. Waltz hold.
Steps: long, running polka steps
Music: 358:128, sheet music
Recordings: Rebild Spillemændene Himmerlandsbal track B7.

    Dance progression
  1-2 Dance one polka step turning 1/2 turn CCW on the hop while moving in RLOD.
Beginning with ML/WR foot. Ie M dances L (1:1) R (1:3) L (2:1) hop L (2:3); W dances R (1:1) L (1:3) R (2:1) hop R (2:3).
  3-4 Repeat with opposite footwork, ie beginning with MR/WL foot.
    Repeat as desired.

See YouTube video. [Note: 1 couple dancing variation from Randersegnen]

Printed source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme Gamle Himmerlands-danse 4 opl. København: FFF, 1978 pp.15-16. Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville 2020-03-10.

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