
Country: Vesteregnen, Denmark
Type: longways progressive set dance
Formation: any number of couples in longways set, M to R and W to L as seen from the music. Couple 1 is closest to the music (top of the set).
Recordings: Danish Dia Delight Live track 03; Folkstow track A1 [YouTube]; Kim & Hallo Harmonika [YouTube]; Jacobsen, Finn & Peter Hougaard Kom! lad os danse track 17; Lamb, Jensen & Bugge Live in Denmark 2013 part 2 track 15; Løager, Anders & Jan Ilsø På vores måde track 12; Maribo, Erik Den toppede høne [YouTube]; Musica Ficta 'Længe nok har jeg bondepige været' [YouTube]; Rumlekvadrillen Spillemandsmusik med Rumlekvadrillen track B1; Rummelpot [YouTube]; Sheahan, John et al [YouTube]; Spillemandslauget Tramp 2 track B12; Spæmenninir Burturav track 16; Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur Gillesdanser i Norden - Danska track A2; Syddansk Folkemusik Talentskole [YouTube]; Thomsen, Evald [YouTube] & Thomsen, Evald; en spillemand blandt unge, 1967 [YouTube at 0:00 & 11:40]; Beat Bouet Trio 'Génération Y' Révolution rurale [YouTube].

    Molinasky, efter Danselærer Lund
Steps: balancé, other steps not specified. [Translator suggests chassé (change step) as a travelling step.]
Sheet music: almost always done to (1) Længe nok har jeg bondepige været - tune from 1700s, lyrics 'Længe nok' by Kristen Karstensen, 1852; (2) 'Molinask', melodibilag nr 106 in: Grüner-Nielsen, H./ Folkelig vals. København: Det Schønbergske Forlag, 1920. (3) 'Molenaskou', melodibilag nr 108 in: Grüner-Nielsen, H./ Folkelig vals. København: Det Schønbergske Forlag, 1920.
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) One-hand turn: Couple 1 takes R-in-R hand hold and turns CW on the spot (1-4). Ditto with L-in-L hold, turning CCW (5-8).
M1 finishes between couple 3 [facing up the set], W1 finishes between couple 2, facing partner.
9-10 (b) Balancé & cast: Couple 1 dances [2] balancés.
11-14   W1 casts L between M2 and M3, to finish between couple 3 facing up the set. Meanwhile M1 casts L between W2 and W3, to finish between couple 2 facing partner. Ie W1 and M1 change places. [4 chassé steps]
15-16   Couple 1 dances [2] balancés.
1-4 (c) Two-hand turn: Couple 1 dances 6 [sic] steps around to L [eg takes 2-hand hold with partner and turns CW].
5-8   Couple 1 dances 6 [sic] steps back to R [eg in 2-hand hold with partner and turns CCW].
9-12 (d) Promenade: Couple 1 [holding inside hands] dances down the set, M1 on W side, W1 on M side. Both turn 1/2 turn [as a couple] at the end [sic].
13-16   Couple 1 return [to 2nd couple's place].
    Repeat from (a) as desired.
When the music repeats, couple 1 dances as above with couple 3 while couple 2 rests, etc.

Note: [This is my attempt at interpreting the cryptic description in the Lund source. Other interpretations are possible. Note also that couple 2 will dislike this dance, as they do nothing but move up until they become couple 1.]

-- Lund, Jørgen Gad/ Terpsichore Maribo 1823. pp. 31-32.
-- Grüner-Nielsen, H./ Folkelig vals: sønderhoningdans, fannikedans, Manøsk brudedans, vip, sæt over, Jysk polonæse, springfort, svejtrit, med melodibilag. København: Det Schønbergske Forlag, 1920. pp.77-80.

    Molinask, Vesteregnen
Steps: balancé (pas de basque), hoptrin (step-hop)
Sheet music: Skjern-Egvad Museumsforening "Bundsbæk Mølle"/ Vesteregnens gamle danse. s.l.: Skjern-Egvad Museumsforening "Bundsbæk Mølle", 1982, p. 44.
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) Elbow-hook turn: Couple 1, beginning with ML/WR foot, takes R-elbow hook, and turns CW on the spot, 8 step-hops. Ditto with L-elbow hook, turning CCW, 8 step-hops.
Couple 1 finishes between couple 2, [facing partner], W facing up the set, M facing down the set.
9-10 (b) Balancé & cast: Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couple 1 dances 4 balancé steps.
11-12   W1 casts up around M2, to finish between couple 2 facing down the set. Meanwhile, M1 casts down around W2, to finish facing up the set. Ie W1 and M1 change places. 4 step-hops.
13-14   Couple 1 dances 4 balancé steps.
15-16   W1 casts down around W2, to finish facing down the set. Meanwhile M1 casts up around M2, to finish facing W1 up the set. Ie W1 and W2 change places. 4 step-hops.
1-8 (c) Elbow-hook turn: Couple 1 repeat (a).
Couple 1 finishes between couple 2, W1 beside M2, and M1 beside W2, both facing down the set, holding inside hands with partner at shoulder height.
9-12 (d) Promenade: Couple 1 dances down the set, 6 step-hops (9-11). Couple 1 turns as a couple CCW (ie M dancing backwards) to face up the set (12), 2 step-hops.
13-16   Couple 1 dances up the set, 6 step-hops (13-15). Couple 1 retires to own side, between couples 2 and 3 (16), 2 step-hops.
All other couples step up, 2 side steps.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.
When the music repeats, couple 1 dances as above with couple 3.
As each couple reaches the bottom of the set, it becomes the bottom couple. The dance finishes when all couples are in their original places at the beginning of the dance.
N.B.: Couples 1, 5 and 9 [sic] may begin simultaneously.
N.N.B.: [Couple 2's will dislike this dance, as they do nothing but move up until they become couple 1.]

Source: Skjern-Egvad Museumsforening "Bundsbæk Mølle"/ Vesteregnens gamle danse. s.l.: Skjern-Egvad Museumsforening "Bundsbæk Mølle", 1982, pp. 44-45.

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-07-09, rev. 2022-05-11.

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