Napoleons firtur

Country: Sydsjælland, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille, couples 1 and 2 have backs to or face the music, couples 3 and 4 stand respectively to R of couples 1 and 2.
Steps: chassé, reel (jig), walk
Music: 358:387; sheet music
Recordings: ZAR Strengeleg track 01.

    Dance progression
1-8 1 (a) All form closed circle and dance CW with 4x(2 walking steps + 1 chassé), turning on the 2 walking steps of the 5th repeat, to
1-8   repeat (a) moving CCW.
9-12   (b) Couples 1 and 2 advance and retire with 2 walking steps + 1 chassé in each direction.
13-14   Couples 1 an 2 advance again, couple 1 passing through couple 2's arch, 2 walking steps + 1 chassé.
15-16   Both couples retire, coule 2 passing under couple 1's arch, 2 walking steps + 1 chassé, backwards.
9-16   Couples 3 and 4 repeat (b).
17-24   (c) All take 2-hand hold with partner and dance 14 reel steps + 3 stamps, turning towards corner on the 3 stamps.
17-24   All take 2-hand hold with corner and dance 14 reel steps + 3 stamps, turning towards partner on the 3 stamps.
    Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences.
|:1-8:| 2 (a) W form closed circle and dance CW with 4x(2 walking steps + 1 chassé). Ditto CCW.
|:1-8:| 3 (a) M form closed circle and dance CW with 4x(2 walking steps + 1 chassé). Ditto CCW.
|:1-8:| 4 (a) W form R-hand star and dance CW with 4x(2 walking steps + 1 chassé). Ditto CCW with L-hand star.
|:1-8:| 4 (a) M form R-hand star and dance CW with 4x(2 walking steps + 1 chassé). Ditto CCW with L-hand star.
|:1-8:| 5 (a) The dance finishes by repeating (1 (a)).

See video from KØST 2017

Printed source: Sørensen, Pia & Per/55 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne, I. Kolding:s.n., 2003 p.16
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2019-06-25

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