Country: Denmark
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) have their backs to or face the music.
Side couples (couples 3 and 4) stand respectively to R of head couples. Can also be danced as a large circle with any number of couples.
hurretrin (buzz) ,
chassé (change step),
løbetrin (run),
gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) 358:51,
(2) Bjerager, Poul (red.) & Al Damlund/ 'riel, after H.P. Hansen. Assingløse pr Viby' in: Kontradans bind 1 nodebog: 180 traditionelle dansemelodier fra Roskilde/Lejreegnen.
s.l.: Museumsforlaget ROMU [Roskilde Museums Forlag], 2021. p.69.
(3) Bjerager, Poul (red.) & Al Damlund/ 'gammel reel, after H.P. Hansen. Assingløse pr Viby' in: Kontradans bind 1 nodebog: 180 traditionelle dansemelodier fra Roskilde/Lejreegnen.
s.l.: Museumsforlaget ROMU [Roskilde Museums Forlag], 2021. p.69.
Alle tiders Roskildemusik (RX001CD) track 01;
Bugge, Kristian & Poul Bjerager 'Hornfeifen efter Lars Bildris fra Kyndeløse, Gammel riil fra Daastrup, Rigl efter Christian Tobiassen fra Gevninge aka Tørvedansen'
Dæily June tune #28 - Roskilde reels [YouTube];
Dreamers Circus feat. Poul Bjerager 'gammel reel' [YouTube];
Grue, Bjarne, Ninna Aasen & Michael S. Petersen [YouTube];
Impuls Trio track 03;
Rejseorkestret Lige ind track B6;
Ramsø Spillemandslaug Krammelarve track 03;
ZAR Der brænder en ild track 10.
1-8 | 1 (a) | Circle: Dancers start with L sides into the circle, R hand in front holding partner/corner's L hand, and L hand behind the back, holding other corner/partner's R hand. 32 small backwards running steps, beginning with 'inside' (L) foot. Twice round the set to return to place. |
9-10 | (b) | Figuré: Couples 1 and 2 dance towards each other with 1 chassé, beginning with R foot, and giving R hand to opposite (9). Step forward L, passing each other, turning a little to the right, and cross R toe in front (croissé), with stretched R arms (10). |
11-12 | Continuing to hold R hands, the two couples dance the same way back to place, beginning with R foot and turning 1/2 turn CW. 1 chassé (11) + walk + croissé (12). | |
13-16 | Couples 1 and 2 repeat (b). | |
9-16 | Couples 3 and 4 repeat (b). | |
1 | (c) | Chain: 'New chain': with 2-hand hold and bent arms, couples turn 3/4 turn CW, so that all W are in the centre facing out, M facing into set. 2 walking steps, starting with R foot. |
2 | W dance 2 walking steps spinning CW [and moving CW]to meet opposite M. M dance 2 walking steps moving CCW outside the women's circle, to meet opposite W. | |
3 | 2-hand hold, bent arms, couples turn 3/4 [sic] turn CW, so that all W are again in the centre. 2 walking steps. | |
4 | Again W spin and move CW, and M move CCW, to opposite place, 2 walking steps. | |
5-8 | Repeat as above to return to place. | |
Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences. | ||
1-8 | 2 (a) | W circle: Women's circle, back basket hold. 16 buzz steps CW. |
1-8 | 3 (a) | M circle: Men's circle, back basket hold, 16 buzz steps CW. |
1-8 | 4 (a) | W back basket: Women's circle, back basket hold. 16 buzz steps CW. |
1-8 | 5 (a) | M back basket: Men's circle, back basket hold, 16 buzz steps CW. |
1-8 | 6 (a) | W back basket: Women's circle, back basket hold. 16 buzz steps CW. |
1-8 | 7 (a) | M 1-hand star: Men's circle. Each M holds opposite M with R thumb hold, and with L hand holds from underneath the elbow of M in front of him. 16 buzz steps CW. |
1-8 | 8 (a) | All circle: Big circle of all couples. 32 running steps backwards (as in 1 (a)). |
1-8 | Sving egen (swing): The dance finishes with swinging partner on the spot, 16 buzz steps CW.
When danced as a large circle with any number of couples, part (b) is danced with own partner. In part (c) W move into the circle of M in front of a new M, making it a mixer. |
See videos from/with KØST 2017, Ramsø Spillemandslaug 2016, Trekant Kvadrillen Vejle at Nordlek 2015
Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Danske folkedanse, beskrivelser hefte III. 5th ed. 1983, pp. 19-20.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2011-10-17, rev. 2023-05-30.
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