
Country: Denmark
Type: progressive longways set
Formation: any number of couples in a longways set, W to left, M to right as seen from the front (music). Couples are numbered alternately '1' and '2'.
Steps: walk
Music: any 4/4-time march or similar, with a moderate tempo.

    Dance progression
1-4 (a) M1 takes R-in-R hold with W2, and the two turn CW on W2's place, and M1 returns to own place. 8 walking steps.
5-8   M1 takes L-in-L hold with W1, and turns CCW on W1's place, and returns to original place. 8 walking steps.
1-4   M2 takes R-in-R with W1, turns CW on W1s place, and returns to own place. 8 walking steps.
5-8   M2 takes L-in-L with W2, turns CCW on W2's place, and returns to own place. 8 walking steps.
9-12 (b) W1 crosses the set, passing M1 on the left (ie passing R shoulders), behind M2, crosses diagonally back to own side passing W2 on the left (ie passing R shoulders), behind W2, and finishes in W2's place. 8 walking steps.
13-16   M1 crosses the set, passing W2 on the left (ie passing R shoulders), behind W2, crosses diagonally back to own side passing M2 on the right (ie passing L shoulders), behind M2, and finishes in M2's place. 8 walking steps.
9-16   Couples 1 and 2 dance R-hand chain. 16 walking steps.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

Provenance: from "B's dansebog" 1753.
Description by Kenneth Krak, 2007.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-04-30

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