Pigernes fornøjelse, Sydslesvig

Country: south Schleswig, (formerly) Denmark
Type: mixer
Formation: any number of couples in a closed circle.
Steps: hurretrin (buzz step), sideløbstrin (slip step), walk
Sheet music: 358:708. Usually done to rakes of Mallow 1733. Same music as: Dronningens dans and ottetalsdans.
Recordings: Fiedel Michel Retrospective track 09 [YouTube]; R. Osterholz mm [Dancilla]; Spillemandsgruppen Lunterne track 15; Tramp 'rakes of London' Tramp 3 track A6; Trunderup Spillemændene Dansk spillemandsmusik track 15. The new Columbia fiddlers Fiddle tunes of the Lewis & Clark eratrack 12 [YouTube]; unattributed YouTube
See also numerous recordings of 'rakes of Mallow' in collection of the Internet Archive.

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 (a) Advance & retire: All advance 4 walking steps into the circle (1-2). Retire ditto (3-4)
5-8   Circle CW: All dance 8 slip steps moving CW in the circle.
1-4   Advance & retire: All again advance 4 walking steps into the circle (1-2). Retire ditto (3-4)
5-8   Circle CCW: All dance 8 slip steps moving CCW in the circle.
9-12 (b) Clapping: Drop handhold and face partner. Clap 3 times in own hands in front (9), 3 claps in own hands behind the back (10), 3 claps in own hands in front (11), 3 claps in partner's hands (12).
13-16   Swing: Take waltz hold with partner and turn CW on the spot, 8 buzz steps.
Finish facing corner.
9-16   Repeat (b) with corner, who becomes new partner.
    Repeat from (a) as long as the musicians are willing to play.

See YouTube videos [unattributed] and Havnedans i Roskilde 2015(?)

Source: Sørensen, Pia & Per/ 55 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne, I. Kolding:s.n., 2003. p.58
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2019-03-17, rev. 2022-05-30.

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