Country: Denmark
Formation: 4 couple square set. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) respectively have their backs to or face the music. Couple 3 stands on the side to the right of couple 1, and couple 4 faces couple 3.
Steps: balancé, chassé, chassé-croisé, croisé, polonaisetrin (3 steps per bar LRL RLR), sidestep, walk.
All steps begin with RIGHT foot, unless otherwise noted.
Introduction |
1-16 | Invite a partner to dance. Couples walk around the room, finishing in 4-couple quadrilles in time for sequence 1 to begin. | |
Sequence 1 |
1-4 | 1 (a) | All stand in place. |
5-8 | Courtesy to partner. | |
9-12 | 1 (b) | Couples 1 and 2 advance and retire, with one chassé and two walking steps. |
9-12 | Couples 1 and 2 take side-cross hold, cross to opposite position passing on the right (pass L shoulders), turn CCW as a couple, and finish facing partner, with ML/WR side to the centre of the set, dropping hand hold. 8 walking steps. | |
13-16 | 1 (c) | Couples 1 and 2 dance 1 chassé-croisé to the right (13-14), and repeat to the left (15-16). |
17-20 | Couples 1 and 2 take 2-hand hold, and dance once round CW on the spot, finishing holding inside hands (MR/WL) and facing into the set. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. | |
21-24 | 1 (d) | Little boxes: Couples 1 and 2 advance, beginning with outside foot (ML/WR) with 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (21-22).
Couples change place with partner, W dancing sideways to L in front of partner, M dancing sideways to R behind partner. 1 chassé, 1 walking step, and touch outside to inside foot. (23-24) |
25-28 | Couples 1 and 2 retire, beginning with outside foot, 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (25-26).
Couples change place with partner, W dancing sideways to R in front of partner, M dancing sideways to L behind partner, to return to place. 1 chassé, 1 walk, and close (27-28) |
21-24 | W1 and W2 begin with R foot, advance, giving L-hands, and dance 1/2 round CCW. 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (21-22).
W1 and W2 drop hand hold, and retire to original place. 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (23-24). |
25-28 | M1 and M2 begin with L foot, advance giving R-hands, and dance 1/2 round CW. 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (25-26).
M1 and M2 drop hand hold, and retire to original place. 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (27-28). |
1-8 | 1 (e) | All turn to corner, and dance 1 chassé-croisé to the R, and repeat to the L (1-4)
Take R hand in R with corner, and dance once round CW back to place. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps (5-8). |
9-24 | Couples 3 and 4 dance parts 1 (b), 1 (c), and 1 (d). | |
1-8 | Sequence 1 finishes with all dancing part 1 (e). | |
Sequence 2 |
1-8 | 2 (a) | All stand in place. |
9-12 | 2 (b) | Couples 1 and 2 form closed circle, and circle 1/2 way round CW, finishing in the opposite place. 3 chassé steps and 2 walking steps. |
13-16 | Couples 1 and 2 dance half-chain back to place, beginning with L foot. 3 chassé steps and 2 walking steps. | |
17-20 | 2 (c) | All couples hold inside hands. All 4 W begin with R foot, dance 1/2 turn CCW in front of and finish facing partner. 2 chassé steps (17-18).
All drop hand hold, and dance 1 balancé to the R and 1 balancé to the L (19-20). |
21-24 | Lasso: All take L-hands with partner. W dances CCW around partner, maintaining handhold, and back to place, while M dances on the spot without turning, but passing his L arm over his head to lead his partner. 3 chassé steps and 2 walking steps. | |
25-28 | 2 (d) | Gypsy: Couples 1 and 2 circle: couples 1 and 2 advance, couple 1 passes between couple 2, circles around couple 2 (M CCW and W CW) all the while facing opposite dancer.
3 chassé steps, beginning with R foot (25-27).
M retires back to place, while W dances forwards out to place, finishing with her back to the centre of the set. 2 walking steps (28). |
29-32 | Couples 3 and 4 circle: couples 3 and 4 repeat 2 (d), couple 3 passing between couple 4.
All form closed circle, all W facing out of set and all M facing into set. |
1-4 | 2 (e) | All dance 1 balancé to the R and 1 to the L (1-2).
Drop handhold with corner, keeping R-hand hold with partner. All dance once around CW, with 2 chassé steps (3-4). |
5-8 | All drop hand-hold with partner, take L-hands with corner. All dance once around CCW, finishing in place. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. | |
9-32 | Repeat parts 2 (b), 2 (c), and 2 (d). Couples 3 and 4 dance part 2 (b). In part 2 (d), couples 3 and 4 dance first, followed by couples 1 and 2. | |
1-8 | Sequence 2 finishes with all dancing part 2 (e). | |
Sequence 3 |
1-4 | 3 (a) | All stand in place. |
5-8 | All form closed circle. | |
9-12 | 3 (b) | All dance forward one step, with MR/WL foot (9), touch free foot to it (&), then one step back with ML/WR foot (10), and touch free foot (&).
Drop handholds, and dance sideways past partner, beginning with MR/WL foot, W passing in front and M behind but both facing centre of the set, and finishing in partner's place (11-12). 6 walking steps. |
13-16 | All form closed circle again. All dance forward one step, with ML/WR foot (13), touch free foot to it (&), then one step back with MR/WL foot (14), and touch free foot (&).
Drop handholds, and dance sideways past partner, beginning with ML/WR foot, W passing in front and M behind but both facing centre of the set, and finishing in place facing corner (11-12). 6 walking steps. |
17-20 | 3 (c) | All take L-hand hold with corner. Dance 1 sidestep to R (17). Drop L-hand hold and take R-hand hold with corner. Dance 1 sidestep to L (18).
Keep R-hand hold with corner, and dance 1/2 turn CW, beginning with R foot, and finishing in corner's place. 6 walking steps. |
21-24 | All take L-hand hold with corner. Dance 1 sidestep to R (21). Drop L-hand hold and take R-hand hold with corner. Dance 1 sidestep to L (22).
Beginning with R foot, pass corner on the L (passing R shoulders), while keeping R-hand hold, to return to own place facing partner. 6 walking steps. |
1-4 | 3 (d) | All dance one step forward towards partner, with R foot (1), touch L foot to it (&), then one step back with L foot (2), and touch R foot to it (&).
All take one step to R, and courtesy to partner (3-4). |
5-8 | All take R-hand hold with partner. Dance one full turn CW, beginning with L foot and finishing in place. 4 'polonaisetrin'. | |
9-24 | Repeat 3 (b) and 3 (c). | |
1-8 | Repeat 3 (d). | |
Finale |
1-4 | F (a) | All stand in place. |
5-8 | All courtesy to partner, then face centre of the set, and take 2-hand hold with corner. | |
9-12 | F (b) | M1+W4 and M2+W3 dance diagonally across to opposite place. M1+W4 pass between M2 and W3, who open. At opposite place, each turns 1 full turn solo, M turning CW, W turning CCW. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. |
13-16 | M1+W4 and M2+W3 repeat F (b) to return to place. M2+W3 passing between M1 and W4. In original place, M turn CCW and W turn CW solo to finish in place. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. | |
9-12 | M3+W1 and M4+W2 dance diagonally across to opposite place. M3+W1 pass between M4 and W2, who open. At opposite place, each turns 1 full turn solo, M turning CW, W turning CCW. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. | |
13-16 | M3+W1 and M4+W2 repeat F (b) to return to place. M4+W2 passing between M3 and W1. In original place, M turn CCW and W turn CW solo to finish in place. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. | |
17-20 | F (c) | All M dance forward past partner to next W to his R, beginning with R foot, and finishing facing that W. 2 chassé steps (17-18).
All dance 1 balancé to the R, and 1 to the L (19-20). |
21-24 | All take R-hand hold, and dance one full turn CW. W finishes in own place, with new M on her L. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. | |
17-20 | All M dance to L, beginning with R foot, with back to centre of the set. 2 chassé steps (17-18).
Facing partner, all dance 1 balancé to the R, and 1 to the L (19-20). |
21-24 | All take R-hand hold with partner, and dance one full turn CW. All finish in place, with side-cross hold, and couple 1 facing couple 3, couple 2 facing couple 4. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. | |
25-28 | F (d) | Couples pass facing couple, passing on the R to opposite couple's place, and turn as a couple CCW (M backward, W forwards). Beginning with R foot, 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (25-26), 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (27-28). |
29-32 | All dance half-chain back to place. Finish with couple 1 facing couple 4, couple 2 facing couple 3. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. | |
25-32 | Repeat F (d). Couple 1 dances with couple 4, couple 2 with couple 3. | |
33-36 | F (e) | Beginning with R foot, all W dance forward and form closed circle. 2 chassé steps (33-34).
All W dance 1 balancé to the R, and 1 to the L (35-36). Meanwhile, M wait in place. |
37-40 | Still in closed circle, all W circle half-way CCW, drop handhold, and finish in opposite W's place, facing into circle. 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (37-38), 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (39-40) . | |
33-36 | W1 and W2 R-hand chain back to partner. 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (33-34).
Take L-hand hold with partner, M puts R hand around W's waist and turns once round CCW to place (courtesy turn). 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (35-36). |
37-40 | W3 and W4 R-hand chain back to place, ending in courtesy turn, as above.
1 chassé and 2 walking steps (37-38), 1 chassé and 2 walking steps (39-40).
All W drop hand-hold with partner, and finish in R-hand star with thumb hold. All M turn CW to face in LOD, with L side to partner. |
41-44 | F (f) | Beginning with R foot, all dance forward to opposite place, W's star moving CW, while M dance CCW. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. |
45-48 | W drop R-hand star hold, give L hand to partner for a courtesy turn. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps (39-40) . | |
41-44 | All W take R-hand star hold again, and all M face LOD again. All dance forward to original place, W's star moving CW, while M dance CCW. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps. | |
45-48 | W drop R-hand star hold, give L hand to partner for a courtesy turn. 3 chassés and 2 walking steps (39-40).
All finish in 4-couple square set formation. |
Finish |
49-53 | All courtesy to partner. M conduct partner out to her seat. |
Brief | |||
Bars | Sequence | Description | Steps |
Introduction | |||
1-16 | Promenade into square set formation | walk | |
Sequence 1 | |||
1-8 | 1 (a) | All stand (1-4), courtesy to partner (5-8) | |
9-12 | 1 (b) | Active (head) cpls advance & retire | 2x(1 chassé & 2 walks) |
9-12 | Active cpls change places, passing on R | 8 walks | |
13-16 | 1 (c) | Active cpls figuré R and L to partner | 2 chassé-croisés |
17-20 | Active cpls 2-hand hold, once round CW | 3 chassés & 2 walks | |
21-28 | 1 (d) | Little boxes: Active cpls advance (WR/ML), change w partner, retire, change back |
1 chassé, walk, walk,
1 chassé, walk, touch,
1 chassé, walk, walk, 1 chassé, walk, close |
21-24 | W1 & W2 advance, begin R foot, L-hand turn CCW, retire to original place | 2x(1 chassé & 2 walks) | |
25-28 | M1 & M2 advance, begin L foot, R-hand turn CW, retire to original place | 2x(1 chassé & 2 walks) | |
1-8 | 1 (e) | All figuré R and L to corner | 2 chassé-croisés |
25-28 | All R-hand to corner, once round CW to place | 3 chassés & 2 walks | |
9-24 | Side cpls repeat 1 (b) thru 1 (d) | ||
1-8 | All cpls repeat 1 (e) | ||
Sequence 2 | |||
1-8 | 2 (a) | All stand | |
9-16 | 2 (b) | Active (head) cpls circle half way CW, begin L foot, half-chain back | 2x(3 chassés & 2 walks) |
17-20 | 2 (c) | All W into centre facing partner, figuré R & L to partner | 2 chassés, 2 balancés |
21-24 | 'Lasso': All W CCW around partner, L-hand hold | 3 chassés & 2 walks | |
25-28 | 2 (d) | 'Gypsy': Head cpls pass through and back home | 3 chassés & 2 walks |
29-32 | 'Gypsy': Side cpls pass through and back home | 3 chassés & 2 walks | |
1-4 | 2 (e) | All figuré R & L, turn R-hand CW with partner | 2 balancés, 2 chassés |
5-8 | L-hand round CCW with corner | 3 chassés & 2 walks | |
9-32 | Repeat 2 (b) thru 2 (d) with side cpls active | ||
1-8 | Repeat 2 (e) | ||
Sequence 3 | |||
1-8 | 3 (a) | All stand (1-4), form closed circle (5-8) | |
9-16 | 3 (b) | All forward, back, change with partner, repeat | 2x(step forward, touch, step back, touch, 6 walks) |
17-24 | 3 (c) | All figuré R & L to corner, 1/2 turn CW. Repeat | 2x(sidestep R, sidestep L, 6 walks) |
1-4 | 3 (d) | All figuré to partner, R forward, L back, step to R & courtesy | step forward, touch, step back, touch, sidestep R |
5-8 | All with R-hand to partner, once round CW | 4 polonaisetrin (12 walks) | |
9-24 | Repeat 3 (b) and 3 (c) | ||
1-8 | Repeat 3 (d) | ||
Finale | |||
1-8 | F (a) | All stand (1-4), courtesy to partner (5-8), take 2-hand hold w corner | |
9-16 | F (b) | M1+W4 and M2+W3 diagonal cross and turn away. Repeat to place | 2x(3 chassés & 2 walks) |
9-16 | M3+W1 and M4+W2 diagonal cross and turn away. Repeat to place | 2x(3 chassés & 2 walks) | |
17-24 | F (c) | All M to next W on R, figuré R & L, R-hand turn once CW | 2 chassés, 2 balancés, 3 chassés & 2 walks |
17-24 | All M to centre facing partner, figuré R & L, R-hand turn once CW
Side-cross w partner, head cpls turn to R to face corner cpl which has turned L |
2 chassés, 2 balancés, 3 chassés & 2 walks | |
25-32 | F (d) | All change places with facing cpl passing on R, turn CCW, half-chain back
Finish w head cpls turned to L to face other corner cpl, which has turned to R |
2x(1 chassés & 2 walks), 3 chassés & 2 walks |
25-32 | All change places with facing cpl passing on R, turn CCW, half-chain back | 2x(1 chassés & 2 walks), 3 chassés & 2 walks | |
33-40 | F (e) | All W form closed circle, figuré R & L, circle CCW, finish in opposite place | 2 chassés, 2 balancés, 2x(1 chassé & 2 walks) |
33-40 | Head W R-hand chain to partner, courtesy turn. Side W repeat
Finish with all W in R-hand star, all M facing CCW in outside circle |
4x(1 chassé & 2 walks) | |
|:41-48:| | F (f) | W dance 1/2 round CW, M chase CCW to opposite place, courtesy turn. Repeat to place | 4x(3 chassé & 2 walks) |
Finish | |||
49-53 | All curtsey/bow to partner. M conduct partner to her seat |
See also
Source: Thomsen, Annette & Ole Skov/ Prinsesse Alexandrine kvadrille: kontradans i 3 ture og finale. 2. opl. Brøndby: O. Skov, 2003.
Translated and posted with permission from Ole Skov, 2017-05-05.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2017-04-29, rev. 2017-10-20.
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