Rikkedon, Vendsyssel

Country: Vendsyssel, Jylland (Jutland), Denmark
Type: longways progressive set dance
Formation: any number of couples in two lines, M to the R and W to the L as seen from the music (=top of the set), numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc from the top of the set.
Steps: balancé (pas-de-bas var 2), hoptrin (step-hop), hurretrin (buzz), gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) 358:550;
(2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Vendsyssel og Læsø. 2 opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1982, pp. 26-27.
Recordings: Lydom, Sonnich, Kristian Bugge & Morten Alfred Høirup Gangspil (GO' Danish Folk Music, GO 1015) track 13 [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) Cast & swing: couple 1 (C1, the active couple) casts down 1 couple ('ruller' - M turning CCW behind M2, and W turning CW behind W2) beginning with R foot, 4 step-hops (1-4). C1 takes waltz hold between C2 and C3, and swings (5-8), 4 buzz steps. Meanwhile couple 2 steps up.
1-8   Couple 2 repeats (a). Meanwhile C1 steps up to original place.
9-20 (b) Cross, cast, cross, cast: M1 crosses, passing to L of his partner, casts behind W2 and in between W2 and W3, crosses again to between M2 and M3, casts behind M3 and finishes between M3 and M4. Meanwhile W1 crosses, passing to L of her partner, casts behind M2 and in between M2 and M3, crosses again to between W2 and W3, casts behind W3 and finishes between W3 and W4. 12 slow walking steps.
(When crossing, M passes closest to top of the set.)
9-20   C1, holding inside hands, dances up the set, casts around C2 (M1 around M2, W1 around W2), and finish between C2 and C3. 12 slow walking steps.
21-28 (c) Circle: Beginning with a clap on the first step, C1 and C2 take closed shoulder hold and circle CW, 8 walking steps.
21-28   Beginning with a clap on the first step, C1 and C2, in closed shoulder hold, circle CCW, 8 walking steps.
29-36 (d) Balancé: M1 with M2, and simultaneously W1 with W2, dance 4 small balancé steps (beginning with an L balancé step).
29-36   C1 and C2 turn to face partner and dance 4 small balancé steps (beginning with an L balancé step).
    When the dance repeats (from (a)), C1 casts around C3, etc., and continues [with each repeat] down the set. When C1 reaches C5, C2 begins casting around C3 and so on.
When C! (the active couple) reaches the second last place, it should dance part (b) as follows: cast around the bottom couple with 6 walking steps, then take waltz hold with partner and swing with 18 buzz steps. Parts (c) and (d) require no changes. dances with couples 3 and 4, while couple 2 rests. In the third repeat, couple 1 dances with couples 5 and 6 and couple 2 dances with couples 3 and 4.
C1, C4, C7, etc may begin at the same time.

Provenance: based on a collection of dances from Vendsyssel, collected by Frode Nielsen, Halvorsminde, and Marie Korslund, Taars, and published in 1935.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Vendsyssel og Læsø. 2 opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1982, pp. 26-28.
See also:
-- Korslund, Marie & Frode Nielsen/ Gamle Vendsysseldanse. Hjørring: Th. Mortensens Bogtrykkeri, 1935. p.9.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2023-05-05, rev. 2023-09-06.

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