Russeren/Æ russer, Mors & Thy

Country of origin: Mors & Thy, Denmark
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples, facing in LOD, waltz hold

    Æ russer, Mors
Step: hopsa, hoptrin (step-hop)
Sheet music: 358:476
Bars Part Dance progression:
1   Beginning with outside foot (ML/WR), couples turn 1/2 turn CW with 1 hopsa step.
In some parts of Mors, instead of the hopsa step, they danced one step-hop on each foot (ie 2 step-hops).
2   On inside foot (MR/WL), couples turn 1/2 turn CW with 1 step-hop.
3-8,9-16   Repeat 7 times.
    Repeat as desired.

While dancing they sang "Føst æ po den jenne Ben, og siden po den naaen."

Printed source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Mors og Thy. 4th ed. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1985, p. 9.

    Russeren/Æ russer, Thy
Steps: mazurka (Danish), totrin (pivot), chassé (change step). polka, hoptrin (step-hop)
Sheet music: (1) after Svend Madsbøll, 1979,
(2) from Martinus Nielsens nodebog (nr 64a) & after Jens Skårup, Skårup, 1986, in: Jacobsen, Jack & Gitte Thofte Thybal - en spillemandsbog. s.l.:Folkekulturværkstedet Broby gamle skole, 2008. p.58.
(3) Hamborg, Svend/ Beskrivelser & noder til Thydanse [vol.] II. [Thisted] : Thy Spillemandslaug, 1985. (pp. 22-23 of the pdf file).
Recordings: Baltinget Special (Balt CD 3) track 04; Danish Dia Delight Live 1996 (CEMCD 0496) track 01; Skårup, Jens et al Thybal track 04. Can also be danced to skottis (schottish) and hopsa tunes.
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-3 (a) With open waist-shoulder or skewed waltz hold, 2 mazurka steps forward in the LOD, beginning with outside foot (ML/WR).
4   With waltz or polska hold, dance 1 pivot step with outside foot (ML/WR), turning about 180 degrees CW, so that M is facing centre of circle.
5-6 (b) Still with polska/waltz hold, 1 polka step in LOD, starting with inside foot (MR/WL).
7-8   Two pivot steps, making one complete turn CW.
[Hamborg describes this as 2 hopsa steps.]
1-8,|:9-16:|   Repeat from (a) as desired.

Provenance: Ejnar Ringgård recall this dance was also known as 'Dengang jeg var lille'. Traditionally danced as part of a sequence (De tre fra Thy): Bette Mett', Æ russer and Krokonens vals.
-- Jacobsen, Jack & Gitte Thofte Thybal - en spillemandsbog. s.l.:Folkekulturværkstedet Broby gamle skole, 2008. pp.57-58.
-- Hamborg, Svend/ Beskrivelser & noder til Thydanse [vol.] II. [Thisted] : Thy Spillemandslaug, 1985. (pp. 4, 22-23 of the pdf file).

    Danserim efter Einar Ringgård, Skovsted
|:Dengang jeg var lille
ville moder banke mig
men nu er det for silde
nu løber jeg min vej:|

See YouTube videos with: Heebøl og Vinther, Karl Skaarup Four, Krak, Beck, Bugge Lang Linken, Tingluti

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville 2012-01-31, rev. 2021-10-29.

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