Det russiske cavaleri, Hindsholm, Fyn, Russisk kavalerie, hele landet, Russisk kavaleri, Bagterp, Vendsyssel.

Country: Fyn, Vendsyssel, København & the whole country, Denmark
Type: progressive longways set dance

    Det russiske cavaleri, Hindsholm, Fyn
Formation: even number of couples, couples facing couples in two lines. [Couples on the left, as seen from the music are odd-numbered (1, 3, 5, etc). Couples on the right are even-numbered (2, 4, 6, etc). Best with 6-8 couples.]
                                        My   Wz 
                                        Wy   Mz
                                       etc   etc  
                                        M3   W4  
                                        W3   M4
                                        M1   W2  
                                        W1   M2

Steps: chassé (change step), glissadetrin (or sidegangstrin (side-step)), polka, gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music: nr 16 in Jens Hansens manuscript notebook from 1861 [Note parts A and B are in 6/8 time, Part C in 3/8 time.]
Recordings: original music is 6/8 time, so could use eg Folkstow track B1, or any three-part jig (AABBCC structure).
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| (a) Circle: [Couples 1 and 2 form closed circle and] circle CW twice round, 16 glissadetrin [chassé or side-steps].
9-16 (b) Advance, retire & chain: Couples 1 and 2 advance (9-10) [2 chassé steps]. Retire ditto (11-12).
Couples 1 & 2 dance R-hand chain (13-16) [4 chassé steps].
9-16   Couples 1 and 2 repeat (b).
17-24 (c) Polka & cross-over: Couples 1 and 2 dance polka [sic] to bottom of set, crossing over to finish on opposite side. 8 polka steps.
17-24   Circle: Couples 1 and 2 form closed circle and circle CW once round, 8 glissadetrin [chassé steps].
Repeat from (a) as desired.

Provenance: [This is my attempt to reconstruct the dance based on the cryptic description by Rasmus Henriksen, Hindsholm, Jens Hansens manuscript notebook from 1861.]
Source: Jens Hansens manuscript notebook from 1861, available on: Tage Aabech's web site.

    Russisk kavalerie, København & the whole country
Formation: even number of couples, couples facing couples in two lines. Couples on the left, as seen from the front are odd-numbered (1, 3, 5, etc). Couples on the right are even-numbered (2, 4, 6, etc). Best with 6-8 couples.
                                        My   Wz 
                                        Wy   Mz
                                       etc   etc  
                                        M3   W4  
                                        W3   M4
                                        M1   W2  
                                        W1   M2

Steps: chassé (change step), gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music: (1) Folkets Hus Spillefolk, (2) Sørensen, Pia & Per/ II: 26 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne. 3:e opl. Kolding: Pia & Per Sørensen, 2005 p.38.
[same tune occurs in De fire hjørner fra Midtsjælland (358:26), Galopaden fra Århus (P&P II), Grisen faldt og brak sit laar, Kavaleri galop fra Vejle (358:320), Russisk kavalerie (P&P II)]
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 (a) R-hand turn: All even-numbered M and odd-numbered W advance, hold R-in-R with opposite, turn 1 full turn CW and return to place. 3 chassé and 2 walking steps.
5-8   All odd-numbered M and even-numbered W repeat (a).
1-4 (b) L-hand turn: All even-numbered M and odd-numbered W advance, hold L-in-L with opposite, turn 1 full turn CCW and return to place. 3 chassé and 2 walking steps.
5-8   All odd-numbered M and even-numbered W repeat (b).
9-12 (c) 2-hand turn: All even-numbered M and odd-numbered W advance, take 2-hand hold with opposite, turn 1 full turn CW and return to place. 3 chassé and 2 walking steps.
13-16   All odd-numbered M and even-numbered W repeat (c).
9-12 (d) Dos-à-dos: All even-numbered M and odd-numbered W advance, dance dos-à-dos with opposite and return to place. 3 chassé and 2 walking steps.
13-16   All odd-numbered M and even-numbered W repeat (d).
17-20 (e) Advance & retire: All even-numbered M and odd-numbered W advance with 1 chassé and 2 walking steps, curtsey/bow to opposite, and retire ditto.
21-24   All odd-numbered M and even-numbered W repeat (e).
17-32 (f) Promenade: All couples take front crossed side hold with partner, and facing the music, with couples 'y' and 'z' leading, chase towards centre, then dance down the set and return to place. 16 chassé steps.
[ie odd-numbered couples dancing CW in an oval, even-numbered couples dancing CCW in an oval].
25-32   Progression: Couples 'y' and 'z', still in front crossed side hold with partner, dance down the set and take their places at the bottom of the set. 8 chassé steps.
    The dance repeats until all couples have danced in couples 'x' and 'y's position.

See video from Varde 2019 and from YouTube with DuoVisti, Roskilde 2019, DuoVisti & friends, Greve 2017

Provenance: Sørensen notes that in the original dance description there is no indication of what steps should be used. However, the most common steps at the time were chassé (change step) and walk. The music is found in a number of musicians' notebooks from 1860-1880, as well as published by several publishers, such as the pamphlet Gamle Minder, published by Wilhelm Hansen ca 1875.
Parts A and B of the tune are from the 1824 musical "Die Wiener in Berlin" by Karl von Holtei, which became very popular, and which tune also occurs in De fire hjørner fra Midtsjælland (358:26), Galopaden fra Århus (P&P II), Grisen faldt og brak sit laar, and Kavaleri galop fra Vejle (358:320).
Source: Sørensen, Pia & Per/ II: 26 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne. 3:e opl. Kolding: Pia & Per Sørensen, 2005 pp.38-39.
See also:
-- Balling, Vilhelm/ Anvisning til at danse "Menuet", "Les Lanciers", "Française", "Jule-Kvadrille", "Le Prince Impériale", "Eugenie-Kvadrille", "Sekstur", "Jernbane-Kvadrille", samt 50 forskellige Selskabsdanse tillige med 150 meget interessante og let udførlige Kotillons-Ture. 7 opl. 1875, reprint 2019.
-- Sørensen, Per. 'Grisen faldt og brak sit laar' fra Fyn og 'Grisen brak'te laaret' fra Møn' in: Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 13. Feb. 1997. [in Danish]

    Russisk kavaleri, Bagterp, Vendsyssel
Formation: longways set of couples, in two lines of 8 (or fewer) couples, M to R and W to L as seen from the music. Couples are numbered '1' to 'n' [ie 'bottom' of the set] from the music (top of the set).
Steps: chassé (change step), gangtrin (walk), sideløbstrin (slip steps), polka, totrin (pivot).
Sheet music: (1) Sørensen, Pia & Per/ VI: 27 gamle folkedanse fra Jylland. [Kolding]: Eget forlag, [2000]. p.16., (2) Folkets Hus Spillefolk.
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 (a) R-hand turn: M1 and Wn advance, take R-in-R hold and turn once CW in centre of set, and retire to place, 3 chassé steps and 2 walking steps.
[According to Sørensen, the more couples in the set, the longer the steps have to be in part (a).]
5-8   W1 and Mn repeat R-hand turn.
1-4   L-hand turn: M1 and Wn advance, take L-in-L hold and turn once CCW in centre of set, and retire to place, 3 chassé steps and 2 walking steps.
5-8   W1 and Mn repeat L-hand turn.
9-16 (b) 2-hand turn: M1 and Wn advance with 2 chassé steps, take waltz hold and turn CW with 8 pivot steps, and retire to place, 2 chassé steps.
9-16   W1 and Mn repeat (b).
17-24 (c) Courtesy: M1 and Wn advance, 1 chassé and 2 walking steps, take 1 side-step and curtsey/bow. Retire to place, 3 chassé steps and 2 walking steps,
17-24   W1 and Mn repeat (c).
25-32 (d) Circles: M1 leads M-line [holding hands] in a loop CW and back to place, 16 slip steps.
Meanwhile, W1 leads W-line [holding hands] in a loop CCW and back to place, 16 slip steps.
25-32 (e) C1 polka: Couple 1 dances down set to bottom place, 8 polka steps.
    The dance repeats with new couple 1, and previous couple 1 as bottom couple.
The dance repeats until each couple has danced down to bottom of set [ie original couple 1 is again at top of set].

Provenance: According to Sørensen, the dance was documented by Marie Korslund, Tårs, in 1936 based on information from Miss Thierup from Bageterp near Hjørring. The dance has been known in various versions all over Denmark. The music has presumably been Russisk kavalerie, the most well-known tune, found in a number of musicians' notebooks from 1860-1880, as well as published by several publishers, such as the pamphlet Gamle Minder, published by Wilhelm Hansen ca 1875. A number of other tunes have been used for the dance, and Sørensen has, with permission from Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme (FFF), used a tune from Vendsyssel from the archives of the FFF. It is from a musician's ms notebook, deposited [in the archive] by regimental musician Jens Simonsen, Ålborg. In a letter, Simonsen wrote that most of the tunes had been transcribed by his grandfather, who had been a school teacher in the area around Hjørring and Løkken. The original title of the tune was 'Det Rusiske Chavalari'.

Source: Sørensen, Pia & Per/ VI: 27 gamle folkedanse fra Jylland. [Kolding]: Eget forlag, [2000]. pp. 16-17.
See also:
-- Balling, Vilhelm/ Anvisning til at danse "Menuet", "Les Lanciers", "Française", "Jule-Kvadrille", "Le Prince Impériale", "Eugenie-Kvadrille", "Sekstur", "Jernbane-Kvadrille", samt 50 forskellige Selskabsdanse tillige med 150 meget interessante og let udførlige Kotillons-Ture. 7 opl. 1875, reprint 2019.
-- Lund, Jørgen Gad/ 'Ruche de Covoly' in: Terpsichore, eller En Veiledning for mine Dandselærlinger. 1-ste udgave. Maribo, 1823. pp. 33-34.
-- Sørensen, Per. 'Grisen faldt og brak sit laar' fra Fyn og 'Grisen brak'te laaret' fra Møn' in: Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 13. Feb. 1997. [in Danish]

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2022-01-31, rev. 2022-12-13.

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