Sekstur, 'sextour' fra 1872, Alsinger sekstur - circle, almindelig sekstur in quadrille, circle

Country: Denmark
Sheet music: (1) 'Mm Julie Bernards dans' in: Sørensen, Per. ' Sextur - 2. del'. Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 39, June 1999. [in Danish] (2) 358:312 almindelig sekstur or Horneman's sekstur,
Same tune (played in 6/8 time) as Alsinger sextur, Sundeved sextur, sextur fra Holbæk, sekstur fra Holstebro, sekstur I fra Vendsyssel, part 3 of trekant fra Vejle Vesteregn.
Recordings: Bror Kalles Kapel [Internet Archive]; Bror Kalles Kapel 'sekster' [Internet Archive]; Danse Orkester Nicu Vladescu [Internet Archive]; Fernandos Orkester [Internet Archive]; Folkedanseorkestret [Internet Archive]; JydePeters Orkester Jydsk bondegilde [Internet Archive (at 0:34 s)]; Michael Herman Folk Orchestra 'sextur' [YouTube], Osterholz, Renate mm Liflig sang cd 2 track 1 [Dancilla], Pørtners Komplot Oldefar på tour track 06; Rumlekvadrillen Himmel og hav track B3 [unclear whether this is in 3/4 or 6/8]. Spillemands gruppen Lunterne track 12; Tivoli Promenade Orkester [Internet Archive]; V. Esbensens harmonikatrio [Internet Archive].

    Sextour fra 1872
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) respectively have their backs to or face the music. Side couples (couples 3 and 4) stand respectively to R of couples 1 and 2.
Steps [suggested]: chassé (change steps), hurretrin (buzz steps), gangtrin (walk) Sheet music: see above
Recordings: see above
[Or any sekstur with appropriate structure (AABBCC,A=B=C=4 or ABC,A=B=C=8) and tempo.]
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Circle: All couples form closed circle, and circle 'to L and to R' [ie CW and CCW], (8 bars).
9-16   (b) Advance and retire: Head couples dance dos-à-dos with opposite. (4 bars).
Side couples repeat (b), (4 bars).
May also be danced by opposite M (alternating between head men and side men) crossing to opposite W, and swinging on the spot, then returning to place. This is however "less correct".
[While the above description is from the 1872 edition of the Balling source, by the 7th edition, the description specifies head and side M, in alternate sequences, crossing over with chassé steps and swinging opposite W.]
17-24   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain to 7th oncoming dancer (=new partner), (8 bars).
    Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences.
1-8 2 (a) Swing: Swing partner on the spot [8 buzz steps].
1-8 3 (a) Swing: Swing partner on the spot [8 buzz steps].
1-8 4 (a) Swing: Swing partner on the spot [8 buzz steps].
1-8 5 (a) W R-hand star: W form R-hand star [moulinet] and circle CW, [8 buzz steps].
1-8 6 (a) M R-hand star: M form R-hand star [moulinet] and circle CW, [8 buzz steps].
1-8 7 (a) W L-hand star: W form L-hand star [moulinet] and circle CCW, [8 buzz steps].
1-8 8 (a) M L-hand star: M form L-hand star [moulinet] and circle CCW, [8 buzz steps].
1-8 9 (a) W 2-hand star: W, moulinet "with both hands", circle [8 buzz steps].
1-8 10 (a) M 2-hand star: M, moulinet "with both hands", circle [8 buzz steps].
1-8 11 (a) Circle: All couples form closed circle, and circle 'to L and to R' [ie CW and CCW], (8 bars).
1-8   Swing: The dance finishes with swinging partner on the spot [8 buzz steps].

Provenance: Note from 1st edition of Balling, 1872: To eliminate part (a) in sequences 5 through 11, is to pervert the original form of the dance and should therefore not be practiced. [See Sørensen, May 1999.]

Source: Sørensen, Per. ' Sextur - 1. del'. in: Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 38, May 1999. [in Danish]
See also:
-- Balling, Vilhelm/ Anvisning til at danse "Menuet", "Les Lanciers", "Française", "Jule-Kvadrille", "Le Prince ImpĂ©riale", "Eugenie-Kvadrille", "Sekstur", "Jernbane-Kvadrille", samt 50 forskellige Selskabsdanse tillige med 150 meget interessante og let udførlige Kotillons-Ture. 7 opl. reprint 2019. København : Herdahl, 1878. pp. 30-32.
-- Sørensen, Per. ' Sextur - 2. del'. in: Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 39, June 1999. [in Danish]

    'Almindelig' sekstur - quadrille
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) respectively have their backs to or face the music. Side couples (couples 3 and 4) stand respectively to R of couples 1 and 2.
Steps: hurretrin (buzz steps), gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music: Christiansen, Poul/ 14 danske danse: beskrivelser og musikbånd til undervisningsbrug. [Roskilde]: Amtscentralen i Roskilde, 1985 pp. 32-33.
Recordings: see above. [Or may be danced to any sekstur with appropriate structure (AABBCC,A=B=C=4 or ABC,A=B=C=8) and tempo.]
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Circle: All couples form closed circle, and circle CW, 16 hurretrin.
9-16   (b) Advance and retire: Head couples advance toward centre of circle (9-10), 4 walking steps. All retire ditto (11-12), 4 walking steps.
Side couples reat (b) (13-16), 8 walking steps.
17-24   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain once round the set, 16 walking steps.
    Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences.
1-8 2 (a) Swing: Swing partner, 16 buzz steps.
1-8 3 (a) W 2-hand star: W form 2-hand star, and circle CW, 16 buzz steps.
1-8 4 (a) M 2-hand star: M form 2-hand star, and circle CW, 16 buzz steps.
1-8 5 (a) W R-hand star: W form R-hand star [moulinet] and circle CW, 16 buzz steps.
1-8 6 (a) M R-hand star: M form R-hand star [moulinet] and circle CW, 16 buzz steps.
1-8 7 (a) Hele familien (back basket): All couples form back basket, 16 buzz steps.
1-8   Swing: The dance finishes with swinging partner on the spot, 16 buzz steps.

Source: Christiansen, Poul/ 14 danske danse: beskrivelser og musikbånd til undervisningsbrug. [Roskilde]: Amtscentralen i Roskilde, 1985 pp. 32-33.

    Alsinger sekstur - circle
Type: mixer
Formation: closed circle of couples 'as many as may'.
Steps: hurretrin (buzz step), gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music: see above.
Recordings: see above. [Or any sekstur with appropriate structure (AABBCC,A=B=C=4 or ABC,A=B=C=8) and tempo.]
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Circle: All form closed circle, and circle to L [CW] 16 buzz steps.
9-16   (b) Advance & retire: All advance toward centre of circle 4 walking steps (9-10). All retire ditto (11-12). Repeat (13-16).
17-32   (c) Chain: Beginning with outside foot (ML/WR), all dance R-hand chain, to 7th oncoming dancer (=new partner), 16 [32]walking steps.
1-8 2 (a) Swing: All take waltz hold with new partner and swing on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
Repeat from (2 (a)) as desired.

See videos on YouTube from/with: Brøndby Spillemandslaug og Dansere 2009, Roskilde Spillemandslag 2013, Christian Obel and musicians 2022.

Source: Folkets Hus Spillefolk.
See also
-- Sørensen, Per. ' Sextur - 2. del'. in: Dansens og musikkens rødder nr. 39, June 1999. [in Danish]

    'Almindelig' sekstur - circle
Type: mixer
Formation: closed circle of couples
Steps: hurretrin (buzz steps), gangtrin (walk) [or valstrin (waltz) if music is 3/4-time]
Sheet music: see above.
Recordings: see above. [Or any sekstur with appropriate structure (AABBCC,A=B=C=4 or ABC,A=B=C=8) and tempo.]
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Circle: All couples form closed circle, and circle CW, 16 hurretrin.
9-16   (b) Advance and retire: All advance toward centre of circle, 4 walking steps (9-10). All retire ditto (11-12).
Repeat (b) (13-16), 8 walking steps.
17-24   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain to 7th oncoming dancer (=new partner), 16 walking steps.
Finish in waltz [or other appropriate] hold with new partner.
    Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences.
1-8 2 (a) Swing: Swing new partner, 16 hurretrin.
Note: closed circle formation is danced only first time.
9-16   (b) Advance and retire: All advance and retire as above, 16 walking steps.
17-24   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain as above, 16 walking steps.
Repeat from (2 (a)) as desired.

See YouTube videos from/with Rejseorkestret 2011, Poul Bjergager 2011, Christian Obel & musicians: Lena Rasmussen + Mads Christensen 2022.

Provenance: The music is a very well-known sekstur tune, 358:312, likely composed by Emil Horneman (1809-1870) in København around 1856. It was performed in the musical "Forlovelse i en Wienerkvadrille" [trans: "Betrothal in a Wiener-quadrille"]
Note: A 'sekstur' on Fyn is a round dance for 3 couples, known as a 'trekant' elsewhere in Denmark.

Description: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2022-03-01, rev. 2023-02-03.

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