Sekstur paa række, Vejle Vesteregn

Country: Leestrup, Sydøstsjælland & Vejle Vesteregn, Denmark
Type: progressive longways set
Formation: longways set of couples, M to R, W to the L as seen from the music. Numbered 1-2-3, etc. from the music (top of the set).
Steps: totrin (pivot), walk
Sheet music: (1) 358:343, (2) Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. p.86.
Recordings: Bugge, Kristian Dæily June tune #3 [YouTube]; Hedebo Spillemændene track A5; Holstebro Folkedanserforening Folkedans med Arne Bech track 07; Rejseorkestret Sving egen cd 2 track 17; Storebæltsforbindelsen Kredsen runt (DFSCD2), cd 2 track 11; Trunderup Spillemændene Dansk spillemandsmusik I track 03 [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) Circle: Couple 1 positions itself in front of the set, facing down the set, W1 standing to the R of M1.
Couples 1 and 2 circle CW twice round. 16 walking steps.
9-16 (b) Chain: Couples 1 and 2 R-hand chain, twice round. 16 walking steps.
17-24 (c) Pivot: Couples 1 and 2 take waltz hold and dance 2 1/2 times around each other CCW, 16 pivot steps.
Couple 1 finishes below couple 2, facing couple 3.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.
As each couple reaches the top or bottom of the set, they stand over one set before dancing with the next approaching couple.
    In some places, it is common for couples 1, 3, 5, etc. to turn and face down the set, facing couples 2, 4, 6 etc. All couples thus have the opportunity to begin simultaneously.
[Note: Despite the name ("sekstur in a row"), this is often done in a circle with an even number of couples, so that no couple needs stand over. In circle configuration, alternate couples face LOD and RLOD. All couples facing RLOD dance as couple 1 above, those facing LOD dance as couple 2 above.]

See video from Varde 2019 and on YouTube with Dobbelt Op, Blåvandshuk Folkendanserforening, Tingluti.

This was one of the combined dances at Nordlek 1994 in Linköping.

Provenance: Sørensen (see below) speculates that 'seksture' of this type, a progressive longways set, emerged in Denmark at the beginning of the 1800s, as part of the very popular 'contredanses anglaises' or 'engelske danse'.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Vejle Vesteregn. 5:e opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1997. pp. 53-54.
See also:
-- Sørensen, Per Sekstur - 1. del in: Dansens og musikens rødder nr. 38, May 1999 [in Danish]
-- Aabech, Tage Danse for flere par in Om traditionel fynsk dansemusik
-- Nørgård, Kjeld Om seksture Hjemstavnsliv, 1982-06.
-- Heltoft, Jørgen Tak til Kjeld Nørgård Hjemstavnsliv, 1982-07. (pp. 2-3 of the pdf file)
-- Thomsen, H. Vad Lille bidrag til Kjeld Nørgaards 'Om seksture' Hjemstavnsliv, 1982-07. (pp. 4-5 of the pdf file)
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. p.86.
Translation: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2012-05-15, rev. 2022-02-01.

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