Sekstur I & sekstur II, Vendsyssel

Country: Vendsyssel, Denmark
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) respectively have their backs to or face the music. Couple 3 stands on the side to the right of couple 1, and couple 4 faces couple 3. W stands to R of M.

    Sekstur I, Vendsyssel
Steps: balancé (pas de basque), chassé (change-step), sideløbstrin (slip step), gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) 358:559,
(2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF) / Gamle danse fra Vendsyssel og Læsø. 2nd ed. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1982, pp. 28-29.
Recordings: Bror Kalles Kapel [Internet Archive]; Bror Kalles Kapel 'sekster' [Internet Archive]; Danse Orkester Nicu Vladescu [Internet Archive]; Fernandos Orkester [Internet Archive]; Folkedanseorkestret [Internet Archive]; JydePeters Orkester Jydsk bondegilde [Internet Archive (at 0:34 s)]; Pørtners Komplot Oldefar på tour track 06; Spillemands gruppen Lunterne track 12; Tivoli Promenade Orkester [Internet Archive]; V. Esbensens harmonikatrio [Internet Archive].
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Circle: All couples form closed circle and dance CW, 16 walking steps (1-8).
9-12   (b) Figuré: Head couples, beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, change places with opposite, passing on the L (R-shoulder)(9-10), with 1 chassé and 2 walking steps.
In opposite's place, couples dance 2 balancés (11-12), the first balancé towards the centre of the set, the second facing partner.
13-16   Beginning with inside (MR/WL foot), head couples repeat (b) to return to place (this time M pass on inside).
17-24   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain once round the set, 16 walking steps.
    Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences, with head and side couples alternately dancing part (b).
1-8 2 (a) W circle: Women form closed circle CW, 16 sideløbstrin.
Side couples dance part (b).
1-8 3 (a) M circle: Men form closed circle CW, 16 sideløbstrin.
Head couples dance part (b).
1-8 4 (a) W back basket: Women form back basket CW, 16 sideløbstrin.
Side couples dance part (b).
1-8 5 (a) M back basket: Men form back basket CW, 16 sideløbstrin.
Head couples dance part (b).
1-8 6 (a) All back basket: All form back basket and dance CW, 16 sideløbstrin.
Side couples dance part (b).
1-8   Circle: The dance finishes with all forming closed circle, dancing CW, 16 walking steps.

See video from KØST2017 and on YouTube from Folkedanserbal i Roskilde 2016

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF) / Gamle danse fra Vendsyssel og Læsø. 2nd ed. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1982, pp. 28-29.

    Sekstur II, Vendsyssel
Steps: hurretrin (buzz step), gangtrin (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) 358:560,
(2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF) / Gamle danse fra Vendsyssel og Læsø. 2nd ed. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1982, p. 30.
(3) Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse udg. af Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, De Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger. 3:e opl. Vejle: Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger, 1988. p.63.
(4) Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse Trans. by Ib Nielsen & Deborah Jones. 1:st (English version) s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. p. 63.
Recordings: Baltinget Sving egen (2004 ed.) cd number 2, track 2; Hedebo Spillemændene track B7; Holstebro Folkedanserforening Folkedans med Arne Bech track 24;
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| 1 (a) Circle: All couples form closed circle. 16 walking steps CW. Ditto CCW.
9-16   (b) Figuré: All W walk once CW around the set, passing in front of own partner, behind next M, in front of third M, and behind fourth M, and finish in original place. 16 walking steps.
9-16   All M repeat (b), but begin by passing behind corner (ie W on man's L side), in front of second W, behind third W, in front of own partner, and turn around L shoulder to finish in original place. 16 walking steps.
17-24   (c) Swing: All couples take waltz hold and dance 16 buzz steps on the spot.
    Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences.
|:1-8:| 2 (a) W R-hand star: Women form R-hand star. 32 buzz steps.
|:1-8:| 3 (a) M R-hand star: Men form R-hand star. 32 buzz steps.
|:1-8:| 4 (a) Heads back basket: Head couples form back basket (W arms on men's shoulders, M arms around women's waists). 32 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:| 5 (a) Sides back basket: Side couples repeat (4 (a)). 32 buzz steps CW.
    The dance finishes with part 5 (c).

See videos from/with KØST2017, Folkedanserbal i Roskilde 2016 Spil & Dans Vestsjælland 2019, Fælledparken 2023

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF) / Gamle danse fra Vendsyssel og Læsø. 2nd ed. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1982, pp. 30-31.
See also:
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse udg. af Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, De Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger. 3:e opl. Vejle: Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger, 1988. p.63.
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse Trans. by Ib Nielsen & Deborah Jones. 1:st (English version) s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. p.63.

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-04-24, rev. 2023-07-11.

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