Skift så, Vesteregnen

Country: Vesteregnen (western Jutland), Denmark
Type: set dance.
Formation: Four couple quadrille; couples 1 and 2 respectively have backs to and face music, couples 3 and 4 respectively stand to R of couples 1 and 2.
Steps: hoptrin (step-hop), hopsa, run
Sheet music: 358:646 (from Skads); efter Sigurd Nielsen, Skads, in: Nielsen, Bent Chr. et al/ Vesteregnens gamle danse. s.l.: Skjern-Egvad Museumsforening, 1982 p.37.

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-2 (a) ML star with partner change: Begin with all 4 M in an L-hand star [thumb hold], M with R arm around partner's waist. W's L hand on partner's R shoulder.
Star moves CCW, 6 small running steps. On the last two beats, all yell "skift så". M release partner, who waits on the spot while the men continue forward to the next W in LOD with 2 small running steps and take open waist-shoulder hold. I.e. M1 now dances with W3, M2 with W4, M3 with W2 and M4 with W1.
3-4   The star continues CCW with 6 small running steps. On the last 2 beats, repeat the partner change above. I.e. M1 now dances with W2, M2 with W1, M3 with W4 and M4 with W3.
1-2   The star continues CCW with 6 small running steps. On the last 2 beats, repeat the partner change above. I.e. M1 now dances with W4, M2 with W3, M3 with W1 and M4 with W2.
3-4   The star continues CCW with 8 small running steps. On the last 2 beats, repeat the partner change above. [All finish with original partner.]
5-8 (b) Chain: M drop star hand hold, W turn 1/2 turn CCW (to the L) give R hand to own partner, and all dance R-hand chain to first meeting with partner. M start with L and W with R foot. 8 step-hops.
5-8 (c) Hopsa: Couples in waltz hold. 8 hopsa steps moving CCW in the circle.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

See YouTube video with Ramsø Spillemandslaug (at 0:58)

Note: This was earlier danced after Sløjfen, if the dancers clapped hard enough to request it.

Source: Nielsen, Bent Chr. et al/ Vesteregnens gamle danse. s.l.: Skjern-Egvad Museumsforening, 1982 p.37.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2011-12-12, rev. 2021-11-23.

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