Snurrepisken, Tårs

Country: Tårs, Østlolland, Denmark
Type: couple dance/set dance
Sheet music: (1) 358:166, (2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2nd ed. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, pp. 56-57. (3) Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse udg. af Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, De Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger. 3:e opl. Vejle: Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger, 1988. pp.37-38. (4) Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse Trans. by Ib Nielsen & Deborah Jones. 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. pp.37-38.
Recordings: Fynbokvartetten Folkedans for begyndere track A3; Spillemandslauget Tramp track A7; Zar Trio Sving egen (2004 ed) cd 1 track 10.

Formation: even number of couples in closed circle. In sequences 5 thru 10, 2 couples dance together.
Steps: hurretrin (buzz step), løbetrin (run), gangtrin (walk).
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| 1 (a) Circle: all couples in closed circle, dance CW 8 walking steps. Ditto CCW 8 walking steps.
 9-12   (b) 'Pisken': Couples with back crossed hold, 8 running steps in LOD.
13-16   Couples turn once round [CCW]on the spot, M backwards and W forwards, 8 running steps.
9-16   Repeat (b).
    In sequences 1, 2, and 3, part (b) is danced as described above.
In sequences 4 through 9, part (b) ends with the front couple turning 1-1/2 times, so that they end facing the couple behind.
In sequences 5 through 10, part (b) begins with the front couple turning 1/2 turn, M forwards and W backwards.
    The following sequences are danced with 16 buzz steps.
||:1-8:|| 2 (a) Swing: Swing partner, waltz hold, 16 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:| 3 (a) Couples, R-hand: Couples with R-hand thunb hold, 16 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:| 4 (a) Couples, two-hand: Couples with two-hand hold. 16 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:| 5 (a) 2 W, R-hand: Women 2 and 2, right thumb hold, 16 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:| 6 (a) 2 M, R-hand: Men 2 and 2, right thumb hold. 16 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:| 7 (a) 2 W, R-hand: Women 2 and 2, right thumb hold, 16 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:| 8 (a) 2 M, R-hand: Men 2 and 2, right thumb hold, 16 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:| 9 (a) 2 couples, R-hand star: Couples 2 and 2, right hand star, wrist hold, 16 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:| 10 (a) 2 couples, back basket: Couples 2 and 2 circle with back basket hold. 16 buzz steps CW.
|:1-8:|   Circle: The dance finishes with all couples in a closed circle. 8 walking steps to the L, 8 walking steps to the R.

See video from Varde 2019 and on YouTube with/from Folkedanserbal i Roskilde 2016, Knud med venner 2020, Knud med venner 2019.

Provenance: The dance was originally described by Erik Jensen based on information provided by Mrs. Pouline Rasmussen and the tailor Jørgen Rasmussen, Tårs.
Erik Jensen noted that "It is part (b) in this dance that is called 'pisken' and it has sometimes been used as an 'after dance' at the end of another dance, and sometimes been 'glued' together with another dance for example 'Firtur med pisk', 'Mollevit med pisk' among others.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Lolland-Falster. 2nd ed. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1996, pp. 56-58.
See also:
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse Trans. by Ib Nielsen & Deborah Jones. 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. pp. 37-38.

    Snurrepisken - simplest version
Formation: any number of dancers, in closed circle (no partners needed).
Steps: løbetrin (run), gangtrin (walk)
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| 1 (a) All circle to L [CW] 16 walking steps.
 9-12   (b) All circle to R [CCW] 8 running steps.
13-16   All drop hold and turn individually on the spot, 8 running steps.
9-16   Repeat (b).
|:1-8:|   Repeat from (a) as desired.
Finish with all circling to L [CW] 16 walking steps.

Source: Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse udg. af Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, De Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger. 3:e opl. Vejle: Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger, 1988. p.37.
See also:
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse Trans. by Ib Nielsen & Deborah Jones. 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. p. 37.

    Snurrepisken - simplified version
Formation: any number of dancers, in pairs in closed circle.
Steps: løbetrin (run), gangtrin (walk),
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| 1 (a) In closed circle, all circle to L [CW] 8 walking steps. Ditto to R [CCW] 8 walking steps.
 9-12   (b) All drop hold, take front-crossed hold with partner, and run forward in LOD, 8 running steps.
13-16   Couples turn once round CCW on the spot, 8 running steps.
9-16   Repeat (b).
|:1-8:|   Repeat from (a) as desired.
Finish with all circling to L [CW] 8 walking steps. Ditto to R [CCW] 8 walking steps.

Source: Eliasen, John/ Sving egen: 40 danske folkedanse udg. af Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, De Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger. 3:e opl. Vejle: Danske Skytte, Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger, 1988. p.37.
See also:
-- Eliasen, John/ Sving egen! - 40 danske folkedanse Trans. by Ib Nielsen & Deborah Jones. 1:st (English version). s.l.: Danske Folkdansere, Danske Folkdanseres Spillemandskreds, Danske Gymnastik- og Ungdomsforeninger, 1993. p. 37.

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2011-12-12, rev. 2022-09-05.

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