Stående totur, Tune

Country: Tune, Sjælland, Denmark
Type: mixer
Formation: closed circle of couples
Steps: walk
Sheet music: (sheet music) Sørensen, Pia and Per Sørensen / 26 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne (II) Samlet og bearbejdet af Pia & Per Sørensen. 3 opl. Kolding: 2005. p. 22.

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| 1 (a) All dance moving CW, 8 walking steps. Ditto CCW 8 walking steps.
9-10 (b) All turn to corner, and stamp 3 times (L R L).
11-12   All clap [own] hands 3 times.
13-16 All take closed waist-shoulder hold with corner, and turn on the spot, 4 walking steps.
9-16   All turn to partner and repeat (b).
    Part (b) is the same in all sequences.
|:1-8:| 2 (a) M walks forward [in LOD] past latest partner on inside of circle to next on-coming W (=new partner), takes 2-hand hold, and dances 8 walking steps turning CW on the spot, followed by 8 walking steps turning CCW on the spot.
The dance repeats from (2 (a)) until all M have moved all the way around the circle (CCW) returned to original partner.
|:1-8:|   The dance finishes with all taking a closed circle and dancing CW and CCW, 8 walking steps each way.

See video from Varde 2019

Provenance: originally described in Godvin, Carl/ Sanglege og folkedanse. s.l.: Wilhelm Hansens Musikforlag, 1919.
"A real 'old-man's dance" in an even, slow tempo, with no quick movements. Described as a very old dance by Per Andersen of Tune, a musician who in 1917 celebrated his 75th anniversary as a local musician." [Carl Godvin]
Printed source: Sørensen, Pia and Per Sørensen / 26 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne (II) Samlet og bearbejdet af Pia & Per Sørensen. 3 opl. Kolding: 2005. pp. 22-23.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-05-14, rev. 2021-08-15.

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