Totur med vals

Country: Ribe, Jylland, Denmark
Type: mixer
Formation: either any number of couples in closed circle, or a four couple quadrille
Steps: valstrin (waltz) or løbetrin (small running steps)
Sheet music: Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. p.22.
Recordings: [any waltz with appropriate (AABB,A=B=8) structure.]

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| 1 (a) Circle: All dance to L [CW], 8 waltz steps or 24 small running steps. Ditto to R [CCW].
Finish facing partner.
|:9-16:|   (b) Chain: All clap hands 4 times (9). Take R-elbow hook with partner, and turn [CW] on the spot (10-12), 12 small running steps;
advance to next oncoming dancer [M moving CCW, W moving CW], repeat claps and turn CCW with L-elbow hook hold (13-16);
advance to next oncoming dancer [M moving CCW, W moving CW], repeat claps and turn CW with R-elbow hook hold (9-12);
advance to next oncoming dancer (=new partner) [M moving CCW, W moving CW], repeat claps and turn CCW with L-elbow hook hold (13-16).
Note: Part (b) begins with R-elbow hook with danser with whom one just danced waltz.
|:1-8:| 2 (a) Waltz: All take waltz hold with new partner and dance turning waltz, moving in LOD, 16 waltz steps.
|:9-16:|   (b) Chain: Repeat (1 (b).
[Repeat (2 (a) and (b)) as desired.]
|:1-8:|   Waltz: The dance finishes with turning waltz around the floor, ie part (a). [My interpretation]

When danced as a quadrille, one returns to original partner at end of part (b).

Provenance: possibly documented by Øjvind Toft Hansen in Ribe in 1988. The music is from an old manuscript notebook from Stenderup/Ansager.

Source: Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. pp. 22-23.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2023-07-28.

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