Totur, Vendsyssel

Country: Vendsyssel, Denmark
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Couple 1 has backs to music, couple 2 faces couple 1, coupe 3 stands to R of couple 1, couple 4 faces couple 3.
Steps: balancé (pas de bas), polka, walk
Music: 358:551, sheet music
Recordings: Baltinget Alive track 01, Baldrian Tværs track 03.

|:1-4:| 1 (a) All couples form closed circle, and dance 8 walking steps CW (1-4). Ditto CCW (1-4).
 5-8   (b) All turn to partner, and beginning stepping onto L foot, dance 4 balancé steps.
On fourth step, turn over R shoulder to face corner.
5-8   Facing corner, all beginning stepping onto L foot, dance 4 balancé steps.
On fourth step, turn over R shoulder to face partner.
    Part (b) is the same in all sequences.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) All W form R-hand star, and dance 8 walking steps moving CW. Change to L-hand star, and dance 8 walking steps moving CCW.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) All M form R-hand star, and dance 8 walking steps moving CW. Change to L-hand star, and dance 8 walking steps moving CCW.
|:1-4:| 4 (a) All W form 2-hand star, and dance 8 walking steps moving CW, followed by 8 walking steps moving CCW.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) All M form 2-hand star, and dance 8 walking steps moving CW, followed by 8 walking steps moving CCW.
|:1-4:| 6 (a) All W form back basket, and dance 8 walking steps moving CW, followed by 8 walking steps moving CCW.
|:1-4:| 7 (a) All M form back basket, and dance 8 walking steps moving CW, followed by 8 walking steps moving CCW.
|:1-4:| 8 (a) All couples form back basket (M arms around Ws waists, W hands on Ms shoulders), and dance 8 walking steps moving CW, followed by 8 walking steps moving CCW.
|:1-4:|   The dance finishes with couples taking waltz hold and dancing 8 polka steps around the set.

Note: this is part of a sequence of dances that were always danced one after the other. The sequence consists of: totur, tretur, firtur.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/Gamle danse fra Vendsyssel og Læsø. 2 opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1982, pp. 36-37
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-05-04.

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