Tre mands reel, Odsherred

Country of origin: Odsherred, Sjælland, Denmark
Type: set dance for 3 persons
Formation: 2 W and 1 M in closed circle. M has back to the front.
             WR   M   WL
Steps: hurretrin (buzz step), reeltrin (jig step), walk
Music: 358:19, sheet music
Recordings: De Danske spillemænd; track B6; Heebøl & Vinther; Mogens Andreasen Dansk spillemandsmusik harmonika; Tramp Og så videre track B6; Zar Tusind tanker track 10.

Bars Part Dance progression
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: In closed circle, all dance CW, 16 hurretrin.
Finish in a line, M in centre facing WR, WR on the left as seen from the front and facing M. WL behind M, also facing M and WR. 3 steps distance between each dancer.
5-11   (b) Jig: M and WR, beginning with L foot, dance 14 jig steps, facing each other.
12   M stamps 3 times.
5-11   M turns one-half turn CW to face WL. M and WL, beginning with R foot, dance 14 jig steps.
12   M stamps 3 times.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Reel of 3: All dance reel of 3 giving hands, centre dancer beginning with R hand to R-most dancer. 16 walking steps.
Finish in a line, WR in centre facing WL.
|:5-12:|   (b) Jig: WR dances jig with WL (5-11), stamps 3 times (12), turns CW and dances jig with M (5-11), finishing with 3 stamps (12).
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Reel of 3: All dance reel of 3 giving hands, centre dancer beginning with R hand to R-most dancer. 16 walking steps.
Finish in a line, WL in centre facing WR.
|:5-12:|   (b) Jig: WL dances jig with WR (5-11), stamps 3 times (12), turns CW and dances jig with M (5-11), finishing with 3 stamps (12).
|:1-4:|   Circle: In closed circle, all dance CW, 16 hurretrin.

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/Hæfte II. 6:e opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1995, p. 8.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-10-09

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