Trekant & polonaise svebsk, Vrøgum, Sydvestjylland/ Trekant I,II,III, Ribe, Sydvestjylland/ Vestjydsk trekant, Oksbøl, Vesteregnen/ Pærevals, Rødding, Sønderjylland

Country: all over Denmark

    Trekant & polonaise svebsk, Vrøgum, Sydvestjylland
Type: set dance
Formation: 3 couples in a closed circle.
Steps: totrin (pivot), walk
Sheet music: (1) efter Tinus Brødrene, Oksbøl; (2) Vil du med i skoven ja så kom - Æ Tinuser (3) Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. pp. 36,38.
Recordings: Jensen & Bugge & The Good Tune [YouTube]; Trio Tinus 'trekant + trekant + polonaise svebsk' Trio Tinus track 09; Vammen, Lillian mm Buestrøg og Bælgetræk track 14 YouTube; Vammen, Lillian mm 'trekant efter Peder Pøhl' Buestrøg og Bælgetræk track 15 [YouTube]; Æ Tinuser Gammeldans og knågstukker cd A tracks 03 [YouTube]. Æ Tinuser 'trekant + trekant + polonæse svebsk' Gammeldans og knågstukker cd A track 07 [YouTube];
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Circle: In closed circle, all circle CW, 16 walking steps.
9-16   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain without taking hands, to first meeting with partner, 8 walking steps.
Pass partner with 2 walking steps, turn over L shoulder (2 walking steps), and approach partner, 4 small steps.
1-8 2 (a) Pivot: Take closed waist-shoulder [or polska] hold with partner and dance pivot steps on the spot.
9-16   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain as above.
    Repeat from (2 (a)) as desired, dancing alternately chain and pivot steps. Finish with pivot steps.
After a small pause, different tune, same dance.

-- Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. pp. 36-38.
-- Æ Tinuser Gammeldans & knågstykker liner notes p. 7.

    Polonæse svebsk, Sydvestjylland
Type: set dance
Formation: 3 couples in a closed circle.
Steps: polonaisetrin, run
Sheet music: (1) efter Tinus Brødrene; (2) Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. p. 39-41.
Recordings: Jensen & Bugge & The Good Tune [YouTube]; Trio Tinus 'trekant + trekant + polonaise svebsk' Trio Tinus track 09; Æ Tinuser 'trekant + trekant + polonæse svebsk' Gammeldans og knågstukker cd A track 07 [YouTube];
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Circle: All circle L, 12 running steps.
9-16   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain (M moving CCW, W moving CW) with or without taking hands, to first meeting with partner, 6 running steps.
Turn half way round with partner and chain back, 6 running steps.
13-18 2 (a) Polonaise: Take closed waist-shoulder [or polska] hold with partner and dance polonaise steps around the set.
9-16   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain as above.
    Repeat from (b) as desired, dancing alternately chain and polonaise steps. Finish with polonaise steps.

See YouTube video with Trio Tinus 2011 (trekant + trekant + polonaise svebsk + hopsa);

Traditionally, 'trekant' was danced as a set of three 'trekanter', each repeating the above but with a different tune. The third would normally be a 'hurtig trekant' (fast trekant) such as polonæse svebsk, which was danced like a trekant, but with polonaisetrin instead of pivot steps in the couple turn (part 2 (a)). Traditionally the trekant set finished after the polonæse svebsk. “Æ Tinuser” consisted of of the three brothers Hans Nielsen (1906-95), fiddle, Karl Nielsen (1911-83), piano, and Ejnar Nielsen (1911- 83), drums and trombone. Their mixture of traditional tunes and standard popular dance music made them very popular up to the mid-60's actually. By the 1970's and 80's they experienced a revival, due to the overall revival of traditional music. In later years, Æ Tinuser would finish the trekant set with a "new-fangled" hopsa, e.g. "Skæve Thorvald" ie a tyrolerhopsa.

-- Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. pp. 36-41.
-- Æ Tinuser Gammeldans & knågstykker liner notes p. 7.
See also:
-- Folkemusikkens Fælles Sekretariat/ Folkemusik på film - 1970'erne: traditionel dans i Vrøgum (DVD) Århus: FFS, 1979.

    Trekant I, Ribe, Sydvestjylland
Type: set dance
Formation: 3 couples in a closed circle. 'Ribe' hold: M holds both hands out to sides, palms up, clasps respective W's hands by the wrist. W holds hands out to sides with palms down, grasps M's little finger between thumb and forefinger, and wraps remaining fingers around outside of M's hand.
Steps: totrin (pivot), walk
Sheet music: comp. J.C. Nielsen, Ribe, in: Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. p. 50.
Note: bars 1-8 are only repeated the first time. All subsequent repats, bars 1-8 are played one time only.
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Circle: All take 'Ribe' hold, and dance 16 step-hops to the L (CCW).
1-8   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain without taking hands, to meet partner, walk past partner, turning over L shoulder, and do brief curtsey/bow to partner before chaining back in the opposite direction to meet partner. 32 walking steps.
|:9-12:| 2 (a) Pivot: Take closed waist-shoulder hold with partner and dance pivot steps on the spot.
1-8   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain as above.
    Repeat from (2 (a)), dancing alternatingly chain and pivot steps.
    Trekant II, Ribe, Sydvestjylland
Steps: hoptrin (step-hop), totrin (pivot on the spot), totrin (pivot moving in LOD), walk
Sheet music: after Niels Pedersens manuscript notebook in: Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. p. 52.
Note: bars 1-4 are repeated four times the first time. All subsequent repeats, bars 1-4 are played twice only.
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: In closed circle, all circle L, 16 walking steps.
|:1-4:|   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain (M moving CCW, W moving CW) without taking hands, to meet partner. 16 walking steps.
5-6 2 (a) Pivot: Turn partner on the spot, 4 pivot steps.
7-8   Starting with outside (ML/WR) foot, leave partner and advance to next dancer (M moving CCW, W moving CW). 4 walking steps.
9-10   Turn this dancer on the spot, 4 pivot steps.
11-12   Starting with (ML/WR) outside foot, leave this dancer, and advance to next dancer (M moving CCW, W moving CW). 4 walking steps.
5-6   Turn this dancer on the spot, 4 pivot steps.
7-8   Starting with outside (ML/WR) foot, leave this dancer, and advance to next dancer (original partner). 4 walking steps.
9-10   Turn partner on the spot, 4 pivot steps.
11-12   Starting with outside (ML/WR) foot, leave original partner, and advance to next dancer (=new partner).
|:1-4:|   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain (M moving CCW, W moving CW) without taking hands, to meet partner. 16 walking steps.
    The next 2 sequences repeat from (2 (a)) as above, alternatingly dancing chain and pivot.
On the third repeat, finishing with original partner, finish by dancing 16 pivot steps with original partner (bars |:1-4:|), moving CCW around the set.
    Trekant III, Ribe, Sydvestjylland
Steps: hoptrin (step-hop), valstrin (waltz), walk
Sheet music: comp. Øjvind 1988, in: Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. p. 53.
Note: bars 1-8 are only repeated the first time. All subsequent repeats, bars 1-8 are played one time only.
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Circle: All take 'Ribe' hold, and dance 16 step-hops to the L (CCW).
1-8   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain (M moving CCW, W moving CW) without taking hands, to meet partner, walk past partner, turning over L shoulder, and do brief curtsey/bow to partner before chaining back in the opposite direction to meet partner. 32 walking steps.
|:9-16:| 2 (a) Waltz: Take 'vestjysk' hold with partner (WL in MR hand on Ws back; WR in ML hand on M's back) and dance turning waltz, moving CCW in the circle.
1-8   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain as above.
    Repeat from (2 (a)), dancing alternately chain and waltz. On the last repeat, waltz around the floor in LOD, rather than around the set.
    Traditionally, a 'trekant' set consisted of 3 'trekanter', each with a different tune. A hopsa could be danced after the third trekant as 'eftermad' or 'dessert'.

-- Hansen, Øjvind Toft/ Danse fra vestkysten: melodier og danse. s.l.: Danske Folkedanseres Spillemandskreds, Spillemandskredsens Forlag, 2000. pp. 50-53.

    Vestjydsk trekant, Oksbøl, Vesteregnen
Type: set dance
Formation: 3 couples in a closed circle.
Steps: totrin (pivot), walk
Sheet music: 358:639
Recordings: Vammen, Lillian mm Buestrøg og Bælgetræk track 14 [YouTube]; Vammen, Lillian mm 'trekant efter Peder Pøhl' Buestrøg og Bælgetræk track 15 [YouTube]; Æ Tinuser Gammeldans og knågstukker cd A track 03 & 07 [YouTube]
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: All couples circle CW, 8 walking steps. Ditto CCW, 8 walking steps.
5-8   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain to meet own partner. 8 walking steps.
5-8   Take L-elbow hook with own partner, and turn 1/2 turn [or 1-1/2], 6 walking steps (5-7). Advance to next oncoming dancer (8), 2 walking steps.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Pivot: Take closed waist-shoulder hold, and dance 16 pivot steps turning CW and moving CCW around the set.
Note: all M have moved one position to the L, and W have moved one position to the R, in the set.
}:5-8:|   (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain as above.
    Repeat from (2 (a)) as desired.

See video from KØST2017 and on YouTube with AMHK ca 1980 (at 20:20)

Source: Nielsen, Bent Chr. m.fl./ Vesteregnens gamle danse. s.l.: Skjern-Egvad Museumsforening, 1982 p. 30.

    Pærevals, Rødding, Sønderjylland
Type: set dance
Formation: 3 or 6 couples in closed circle.
Steps: sideløbstrin (slip step), totrin (pivot), walk
Sheet music: 358:308, 3/8 ♩.=104
Recordings: Osterholz, Renate et al Liflig sang cd 1 track 8 [Dancilla].
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-16 1 (a) Circle: All circle L (CW), 8 slip steps (1-8). Ditto CCW, 8 slip steps (9-16).
17-32   (b) Chain for 3 couples: All dance R-hand chain, to first meeting with partner, pass partner on the R, drop handhold and turn CCW (over L shoulder) and brief curtsey/bow to partner on 8th step (17-24). 8 walking steps.
Chain back, beginning with L-hand to partner, to 2nd meeting with partner, pass partner on the LR, drop handhold and turn CW (over R shoulder and brief curtsey/bow to partner on 8th step (25-32). 8 walking steps.
    Chain for 6 couples: All dance R-hand chain around the set. Drop handhold, brief curtsey/bow to partner on 16th step. 16 walking steps.
1-16 2 (a) Swing: Couples take waltz/polska hold and turn on the spot, 16 totrin.
17-32   (b) Chain: repeat (1 (b).
    Repeat from (2 (a)) as desired.

See video on Dancilla.

Provenance: The dance was originally documented by Andreas Otterstrøm around 1912, based on information provided by Sigurd Brøndsted, Rødding. Pærevals was known all over Sønderjylland (south Jutland). There were many variations of the dance. Johannes Egedal saw it at least 8 different places from Højer in the west to Årøsund in the east. The dance also had different names. It was known as Pirrevals in most places, but also as Pirrevals med kæde, Perrevals, Sekskant, Svebsk, and Trekant.
Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme/ Gamle sønderjyske danse. København: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme, 2007. pp. 44-45.
See also:
-- Schlüter, Wolfgang. 'Pærevals' in: Stockton Folk Dance Camp/ Syllabus of dance descriptions 2013. Final 08-04-2013. Stockton, CA: Stockton Folk Dance Camp, 2013. p. 98.

See also:
-- trekant fra Horsens
-- 'trekant I,II,III' in: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Hardsyssel. 2:a opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1998, pp. 22-24.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2011-10-15, rev. 2022-03-20.

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